Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Merit & Public Goods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Merit & Public Goods - Essay Example The services provided by the government to some extent are related to the public goods, the merit goods, and the private goods. However, the relationship varies most when it comes to the public and the private goods as they involve the government. The public goods mostly revolve around, justice public order and defense; the merit goods revolve around education, health, and the other services that the private sector can provide. The relationship between the private and the merit goods differs totally from the relationship between the private and the public goods; hence, finally the government and the private consumption complement each other (Savas, 2005). The public goods are often under provided by a free market, as its characteristics are usually non-excludability and non-rivalry. Non rivalry means that the consumption of goods does not reduce the amount available for the other residents in the public, For example, the people benefiting from lights in the street cannot reduce the amount of light for the others. Non-excludability is only possible when the provision of a certain good also results in the enjoyment of others, for example, the provision of law and orders. Non excludability means that one cannot prevent the ‘free riders from enjoying the good or services, in many cases the provider of the good or the service cannot charge for the consumption of the good. In non-rivalrous consumption, the issue of the free rider effect comes in (free ride problem comes in as one is unable to prevent other from enjoying the good). The private cases are more complex than public and the merit goods, even with the problem of the free rider effect private goods and services pose more problems than the public and merit goods. In most cases the private good and services need to be bought for consumption, the goal of the producer or the service in the case of private goods is to make profits. Without the incentive to create revenue than the private good

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gender Representation - Boardwalk Empire Essay Example for Free

Gender Representation Boardwalk Empire Essay As a hybrid genre, the representations in Boardwalk Empire are complex, contradictory, unconventional, conventional and stereotypical, whilst challenge stereotypes. Set in the 1920’s during prohibition, Nucky is a corrupt Republican politician and gangster, who has risen to his position through bribery, corruption, and murder. The series begins as prohibition begins, with Nucky toasting the government who ban alcohol; â€Å"†¦to those beautiful ignorant bastards in Washington†. As a gangster, Nucky knows he can make millions by supplying illegal alcohol to the public and is portrayed as a businessman, making money for all the ‘respectable’ local dignitaries that sit around his table; the chief of police (his brother Ely), the mayor, the head of the port authority, local Politicians, etc. He sees an opportunity through the prohibition to increase his fortune. There is a lot of juxtapositioning in the first episode to show us the various sides of Nucky, as a violent alcohol heist is followed by Nucky addressing a Ladies’ Temperance Society. Nucky weaves a myth of his own childhood of poverty, catching rats for his family to eat, to the gasps of the audience. Embodying the American Dream, Nucky has ‘risen’ from very humble beginnings to be top man in the state, he is merely seeking the ‘women’s vote’ for his Political re-election and often shows their ignorance of world politics proves them an easy mark for manipulation to gain full power over the Atlantic City. Nucky is a complex protagonist and anti-hero who is both despicable and admirable. He is obviously very clever, charming, funny, calculating, ruthless, and a skilful businessman and gangster. He juggles a legal political life with his illegal prohibition life, dealing with a constant flurry of unexpected problems as they arise. He manipulates people in ways that should make audiences hate him but Steve Buscemi (and the writers) manages to portray him as a complex character that seeks more than just money. The low camera angles throughout help suggesting Nucky is a very powerful figure in the drama. The power wield of woman in Boardwalk Empire is largely associated with sex, and furthermore this power of woman is represented through the male characters using it against eachother. For example Gillian Darmody, mother of gangster: Jimmy Darmody and a topless dancer in the city, plays a pivotal role when she sleeps with a rival gangster: Luciano in order to detain him until he can be collected and dealt with. Her sexual power is turned to the gangsters own advantage. Lucy Daziger is another key representation of sexual power and woman in Boardwalk Empire. She is the beautiful mol and mistress of Nucky who is often a negative representation of woman – dismissed constantly in favour of Nucky’s political and illegal life. She is objectified by him and others and is kept at his beck and call. During an evening at dinner with others, Lucy insists she has a brain but is quietened by Nucky, and we see Lucy has no place for opinion at the dinner with the Commodore in terms of politics. When Nucky rejects Lucy, he favours Margaret, because she is intelligent and sees her more as an equal for example at the same dinner Margaret expresses deep knowledge and understanding of politics. Lucy is extremely jealous of Margaret as Nucky clearly shows more affection for her, which is unconventional as Lucy is the beautiful mistress, often seeming powerful, Margaret is the opposite.. Margaret is the other key representation in the drama as she challenges the notion of ‘the little woman’ throughout the series. An Irish immigrant, clever, brave, and moral (but racked by guilt), her motives are often those of a protective Mother. Initially established as naive and unsophisticated, particularly by her dowdy dress codes i. colour codes are very dull: browns, greens, her deferential body-language, and her thick Irish accent, she is represented as a weak, ordinary and poor woman. For example her dress codes of poor clothing often lacking in quality, and colour. Margaret grows in confidence throughout the seasons, as her and Nucky begin a relationship. An Irish immigrant she is wise beyond her years, Margaret quickly becomes versed in the dealings of her â€Å"husba nd† and becomes a supportive and protective ‘wife’ for his chaotic life. In her previous marriage Margaret was represented in a weak and negative way enduring endless beatings from her husband Hans. An incident of abuse had caused Margaret to miscarry her 4th child, and so Nucky ordered to have Hans murdered. Margaret knows of this but chooses to remain silent for the benefit of herself and her kids, later racked with Catholic guilt over the murder, their life, and their source of income. Nucky proceeds to live with her and her children, becoming a sensitive father figure to the kids, and a loving ‘husband’ to her.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Identifying The Day We Were Dogs Essay -- Day We Were Dogs Essays

Identifying The Day We Were Dogs      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whether or not "The Day We Were Dogs" (1993) is a magical realist story is questionable. Often stories are misidentified because of the closeness of literature such as magical realism, the fantastic, and the sublime. The story leaves a lot to one's imagination instead of presenting it in the text. Elena Garro blends two days and two completely different worlds together in this story. The magical elements depend on how one uses his or her imagination throughout this story. The girls could either be pretending to be dogs or they could have actually become dogs. If they are in fact real dogs, they are able to talk, and their dog Toni also talks. Also, magic numbers are used throughout the story. The main magical element is the blending of the two days. The story jumps back and forth between the two and never distinguishes between them. The realistic elements include Toni's actions. He shows how dogs spend their days lying under a tree and eating all day. Another realistic element depends on how one accepted the events that happened within the two parallel days. If the girls were not actually turned in to dogs but were just pretending, then this fact is another realistic element. Children often pretend they are animals, expecially dogs. In magical realism, "the text contains something we cannot explain according to the laws of the universe as we know them" (Faris 167) and the "descriptions detail a stong presence of the phenomenal world" (Faris 169). These quotes explain why one might think that this story is magical realism due to the two different worlds that are going on at the same time. Also, one "experience[s] the closeness or near-merging of two realms, two worlds" (Fari... ...l Realism: Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham; N.C.: Duke UP, 1995. 249-263. Garro, Elena. "The Day We Were Dogs." Latin American Writers: Thirty Stories. Ed. Gabriells Ibieta. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, Inc., 1993. 206-212. Faris, Wendy B. "Scherazade's Children: Magical Realism and Postmodern Fiction." Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham; N.C.: Duke UP, 1995. Sandner, David. "Romanticism and Transcendence in Nineteenth-Century Children's Fantasy Literature." The Fantastic Sublime. Westport, C.T.: Greenwood Press. 45-65, 142-147. Theim, Jon. "The Textualization of the Reader in Magical Realist Fiction." Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham; N.C.: Duke UP, 1995. 235-247.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Service Marketing Management

TITLE PAGE Subject:   Ã‚  Ã‚  MKT8003 Service Marketing Management Assignment 1 (Individual assignment) Title of Assignment:   Ã‚  Ã‚   Marketing Audit Report – Camp Five Sdn Bhd Total Word Count   Ã‚  :  Ã‚  Ã‚   2000 words Date of Submission:  Ã‚  Ã‚   31 August 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This marketing audit report is prepared for Camp Five to indicate how the organization is currently performing in their service level. The report is prepared based on secondary data gathered from reliable sources which is available online.In this report the background of Camp Five climbing gym is explained to understand the current internal resources and capabilities in its preparedness for servicing their target customer in Malaysia local market. The finding of issue status as, overall and major issues of the company as below, Overall Camp Five are current in high-end customer focus and in fact the majority of regular climbers are not in the high-end categories. Although the facility and technology is excellent advance compare to others competitors, the price of service has clearly show it is unaffordable to the middle class, therefore that is lack of daily head counts.The major problem is lacking of promotion, Camp Five current uses the strategy of word-of-mouth, as per research 100% of interviewee get the know Camp Five as from friends-to-friends referral only, many other promotions shall be implemented as to improve on the performance will be shown in TOW analysis in this assignment. TITLE PAGE Contents TITLE PAGE1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2 1. 0 PURPOSE OF REPORT4 2. 0 THE INTRODUCTION4 3. 0 TARGET CUSTOMER7 4. 0 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS8 5. 0 INTERNAL ANALYSIS12 6. 0Service Quality Analysis13 7. 0 SWOT ANALYSIS16 8. 0 TOW17 9. 0 CONCLUSION19 10. 0 LIST OF REFERANCE19 1 APENDIX –SURVEY FORM21 How Do You Rate Your Climbing? 22 1. 0 PURPOSE OF REPORT (222words) This is a continuous of audit report of Camp Five Sdn Bhd, The purpose of this report is to present the ser vice quality from organization perspective and customer perspective point of view in delivering and receiving the service in service marketing aspect. The elements covers include the internal & external analysis of organization, gap between the customer's perception and expectation. Those factors will influence on to the organization and its services from the gym toward the end consumer directly or indirectly.It is to help the organization to understand more about their customer and positive of new customer. Same time the current marketing promotion plan must be implementing in an effective way on it services quality ; reach the company targeted headcount for the gym. Scope of report, this report will cover the analysis in phase one, the sources of the report is based on some level of internet resources, but mostly is from interview with customers and my friends as the employee which is working in the company as manger positions.The recommendation of this service marketing audit wil l be done in phase two of the following of this report. The monitoring of service will be from time to time based and this marketing service audit report accuracy credibility will remain valid for the next six month period. 2. 0 THE INTRODUCTION – OVERVIEW OF THE SERVICE ORGANIZATION (335words) 2. 1 Brief Background Camp Five is a place provides training and a place for training, working out and meets new friends. It is facilitated with climbing wall, cafe, Pro shop, high technology shower, kid place area and inspectorial training programs.Training program is designed for children, beginners, leisure and advance climber or people can come for Yoga classes too. The climbing gym is operating under Switzerland management. The wall was built by climbing wall BLOCX Sdn Bhd, which is the partnership company with Camp Five, Blocx's current major project are building and developing rock climbing wall around Asia region, they head quarter is located in Oberwil Switzerland, the other o ffice is located New Mexico America, Colombia South America and Shah Alam Malaysia.Camp Five Sdn Bhd started its operation since 2005 in Malaysia, located inside famous landmark shopping center of Kuala Lumpur – The One Utama Shopping Complex. The internal gym's environment is housed in 10m high air-conditioned glass tower, a-state-of-the-art climbing facility inside a shopping center, next to major business suite like TV3 and IBM office, Hotel, colleges and international schools like KDU and KBU, hotel and the high end household area.For first time customer, it is a must to join the climbing class they need to pass on climber safety examination and If you are first time in this gym customer need to pass personal climbing skill testing section is needed before customer are able to check-in and use for the service. 2. 2 The Service Blue Print The steps of servicing process of Camp Five has provided as per below (Regular Customer) Regular Customer Steps of Blueprint – Ca mp Five |Step 1| Customer Arrived to gym | Step 8| Interact with friends ; start to climb| Step 2| Registration | Step 9| Trainer provide training| Step 3| Check in, payment and rental of gears | Step 10| Customer received training| Step 4| Collect entrance fee and drop the member card | Step 11| Take beg from lock, shower and change attire| Step 5| Updates system with payment | Step 12| Return the member card ; collect rented gears| Step 6| Change attire and keep beg at locker| Step 13| Collect member card and process check out| Step 7| Put on climbing gears| Step 14| Customer leaving the gym|The servicing blueprint of Camp Five has provided as per below (Regular ; New customers) It is content with 14 steps of service blueprint for regular and new customers with the service supports, support process, back stage, on stage and customer action show. 2. 3 The Marketing Mix 7’Ps According to Kotabe and Helsen (2011, p332) companies can pursue three global strategies to penetrate foreign market, which is product extension, product adaptation and product invention.THE MARKETING MIX FOR CAMP FIVE SERVICES | Product | Climbing gym, Yoga class, Climbing training, Corporate team building, Sales of climbing gear, Rental of gear| Place | Outlet location- Gym center| Promotion | Membership fees discount, Training course discount, Selected item discount via Internet, Face-to-face, Facebook. | Pricing | High price for per entry; Average price for membership 3 month-1 year. People | Student, Professional climber, Leisure climber, Working Adult, House wife, Children, Trainer| Physical Evidence | Innovative design, Well maintain of climbing equipment, Tidy uniform, Membership cards, Clean and advance washroom. | Processes| From they enter the gym to exiting the gym. Fast payment process, Paid before entered, Simple check in process, High customer involvement, Well of training flows. | 3. 0 TARGET CUSTOMER (116words) The type of target customer is sports oriented they may be experience climber, leisure climber and explorer.This is Malaysian or non-Malaysia, working, living and studying within 15km from Bandar Utama area, male 50% and female 50% with the minimum earning of salary RM4000 to RM20,000 with some western culture background. Camp Five's targeted customer can be separated into the following groups, 1. Student 2. Foreign Resident 1. Working Adult 1. Corporate & School Group| Description| 1| Student| Majority are from 15-25 years old, young male and female. Foreign students who follow their family came and living in Malaysia or coming in alone with the purpose of further educations.As financial supported by their parents with background mostly associated with high-end society, therefore cultural is more open to adventure sports with more buying power for entertainment good. | 2| Foreign Resident| Work migration under the foreign resident, coming in and working here as temporary for certain project for 1-5 years, with very high income on averag e at lease RM 20,000 or more per month. Seeking for high quality lifestyle with high purchasing power, Caucasian or Asia came from high-technology's country. 3| Working Adult | Locate Malaysian customer, working, living or studying around Petaling Jaya or KL area. In average a working person with personal income of minimum RM4000, male or female with high education level, outgoing personality and like sport. | 4| Corporate ; School| Group customer is those will like to come for as a company or schools event targeted for corporate team building function is not a routine activity. | Table 3a In the hierarchy of effect model, customer was visit to this gym are experiential influence on behavior. Affect – Behavior – Cognitive.First come from their feeling want to try this climbing experience, and then they took action to climb lastly learning process. 4. 0 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS 4. 1 PESTAL ANALYSIS OF CAMP FIVE (290words) A PESTEL Analysis of Camp Five Sdn Bhd, this model is d esigned measure on the macro-environment could effect on the organization. Includes with Political, Economic, Social, Technical Environmental and Legal issue, on average social issue carries the most weight in the climbing gym industrial, due to it is an experiential goods and services. Factor| Includes:|Political| Change trading rules, tax, change in government. | Economic| Interest rates, exchange rates, national income, inflation| Social| Ageing population, attitudes to work, income distribution, customer taste, education levels, migration flow and working hours of customer| Technological| Innovation, new product development, rate of technological obsolescence, safety drinking water system, online advertising| Environmental| Reduce use of paper, encourage cotton towel, global warming, environmental issues| Legal| e. g. competition law, health and safety, employment law, business law| Table 4aDETAIL OF PESTEL ANALYSIS IN CHART | Political Factors| Change in trading rules, Camp Fiv e it is owe by a Sweden Company may influence the business trading terms. Tax, the rate will change in rock climbing product and equipment, all climbing equipment is imported good. If government is not stable company may re-locate in the investment in other part of SE Asia. | Economy Factors| Exchange rates will influence of company income, because company HQ is in Europe. National incomes and unemployment rate, determinate customer willingness to spend on leisure product like gym servicing.Inflation rate will influence on the wages of staff and operation expense, exchange rate of equipment, due to the product are all imported, when Euro and Dollar price down. | Social Factors| Customer change in taste in switching of interest in this gym, aging of society, if this city gets older than the target group (aged of 14-45) will the target customer group will get smaller. Education and income level increases, people tent to concern more with health issue and increase in working-out in gym . If working hours increase the number member able to visit at week days will decrease.Migration flows increases; our customer will increase, and due to climbing sport is more popular in foreign country. | Technology Factors| The uses and for sales climbing devices and equipment is important product in our Pro-Shop, and the technology being use to with in the gym, free Wi-Fi connection, fully air-conditions, high technology shower systems, water filler give customer with a confinable gym environment as well as the auto- belaying device, customer can still climb while waiting for their buddies arrived. | Legal Factors| Climbing environment is designed with anti-fire and safety pat material and cushions.It is always monitored by instruction eying around. Safety training and handbook ensure all customers understand the safety rules in the climbing gym and rules of use climbing equipment. Employment rules follow as per Malaysia government guideline in employment handbook. Camp Five appl y Malaysia Law system where the mother company from Sweden applies EU law. | Environmental Factors| Encourage customer and staff reduces on use of plastic water bottom and encouraging drinking in refilled directly from pipe, recycle bin services is provided. Encourage customer to use cotton towel in the gym and cafe instant of paper.Weather change, determines people likeness to climbing indoor or outdoor the day and the location, easy access to gym. | Table 4b 4. 2 Porter Five Forces of Macro Environmental Analysis The use for porter five forces analysis is the measure the threat within the competitor and business. The key rating system have been applied as per following, Key Rating System (1. Very Poor, 2. Poor, 3. Neutral, 4. Good, 5. Very Good) The Rating System Porter 5 Forces of Camp Five| 5 Forces| Camp Five| Cyberjaya Adventure | Mad Monkey| 1. Existing rivalry | 3| 3| 2| 2. New entering | 3| 2| 1| . B. P of Buyer| 5| 3| 3| 4. Threat Substitute| 5| 3| 2| 5. B. P of Suppliers | 3| 4| 2| Total| 19| 15| 10| | | | | | Rating System: very poor-1 ; very good- 5 | Table 4b The detail of Porter Five Forces will be explained as per below chart (4c) Porter's Five Forces of Competitive Position | | | | | | | 2. New entering | | | Medium there is the only gym within 20km from the resident, technology is in way advance than other, due to the built cost is high, but competitor can built in cheaper gym with lower cost. | | 5. Bargaining Power of Supplier | | | | 3.Bargaining Power of Buyer | | | 1. Existing Rivalry | | | Medium, the product has substitutes and minimal switching costs, which result in low competitive pressures in the supply side. | | | at the medium stage, although the quality and service is very good but there is still many customer prefer to go for low price choice lead to high degree of differentiation, therefore can be competitive. | | Buyer low stage the high end customer will preferred to purchase with receiving the best quality of service than s witching to look for other alternative. | | | | | | | 4.Threat Substitute | | | Low level, as the product is similar but the quality of facility and lifestyle is unlikely to be change by it taste. | | Table 4c 4. 3 Industry Analysis Due to this is a experiential goods in terms of economy and political will influence on change in it price, the long run of bargaining power with buyer and supplier are at every low risk, only seeing the possibility of new gym within this area can be compete with Camp Five but the possibility is still low, high chance of customer may lost interest and less visiting, due to friends, time of work and other reason. . 4 Customer Analysis The collection of data from customer analysis is conducted in face-to-face interview and survey format, it is target to understand the customer needs and current marketing trends towards satisfaction measuring in the climbing gym environment by service provided located with Klang Valley area. 4. 5 Competitor Analysis Major c ompetitor rock climbing gym within Malaysia, provided climbing service to rock climber, will be cyberjaya adventure center in Cyber Jaya, MadMonkey indoor bouldering center in Wangsa Maju, Shah Alam outdoor adventure in Shah Alam and The factory climbing gym in Subang Jaya. They provide service like top-rope climbing, bouldering wall, travels walls and lead wall climbing, however only Camp Five and Cyber Jaya Adventure was able to provide all the service in one center. The price as quality show as below, 5. 0 INTERNAL ANALYSIS 5. 1 Resource Competency Analysis The uniqueness of Camp Five has believed in providing the best environment and the best service in Asia, with high quality level of modern lifestyle and beauty of sports.And all employees in any position and time are responsible to customer safety first, staff must take action to help and remain ensuring the individual safeness in climbing environment. 5. 2 Share Holders Analysis The matrix below shown in table below is applie d to show the internal and external stakeholders that have direct or indirect impact on the growth of the business. | Importance of stakeholder | | High | Low | Influence of stakeholder | High | Key group | Silent group | | | Partners | Government – Ministry of Environment | | | Management, | | | Shareholders |   | | | New investor |   | | Low | Vocal Group | Irrelevant group | | | Employees | Individual customers | | | Marketing teams | Contractor | | | Agents, | Cleaner | | | Distributors |   | Table 5a– Stakeholder Analysis | The key groups are partners, management, other shareholders and new investor. The customer groups are the key to the survival of the business. The faster the target market will turn into royal customer, gym can sustain and growth in its business operation and provides in positive growth. 5. Performance Analysis Current the sales of the organization is the low head count especially in low season like long public holiday times, although we have a big number of members but however they are non-actives, the targeted market share of customer group has not been achieved, overall survive on the long term membership customer which sign up for 6month-1 years membership. That could count on average of 40% of total business. The others revenue are selling on climbing equipment, team building outdoor projects for groups and climb pays per entrance. . 0Service Quality Analysis (298words) To measure the service quality of Camp Five I have provided the analysis based on face-to-face survey with interviewee with purchasing experience in Camp Five Climbing Gym, the analysis result show as below. (The full version of service survey form is reference in the appendix) The SERQUAL Model analysis will based on question 3-15 only, show as per below, SERQUAL Model of Service Survey Q| Survey Questions | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| Q being answers| Total score| No. f Interviewee| Means| 1| First time to this gym|   | 60|   |   |   | 600| n/a| 60 | n/a| 2| How do you know this Gym|   | 60|   |   |   | 600| n/a| 60| n/a| Rate you overall experience (Scoring System data are serve for the GAP analysis)| 3| Were you server – Courteous? (If No-1, Yes- 5)| |   |   |   | 60| 60| 300| 60| 5| 4| Were you server -Informative? (If No-1, Yes -5)| 20|   |   |   | 40| 60| 260| 60| 3. 7| 5| Rate of total expectation |   |   |   | 60|   | 60| 240| 60| 4| 6| Staff helpfulness |   |   | 10| 40| 10| 60| 240| 60| 4| 7| The price of entrance fees| 20| 10| 20| 10|   | 60| 140| 60| 2. | 8| The attribute of the gym |   |   | 10| 40| 10| 60| 240| 60| 4| 9| Varieties of climb|   |   | 10| 40| 10| 60| 240| 60| 4| 10| Convenience of this location|   |   |   | 40| 20| 60| 260| 60| 4. 3| 11| Clean |   |   | 10| 20| 30| 60| 260| 60| 4. 3| 12| Environment safety|   |   |   | 40| 20| 60| 260| 60| 4. 3| 13| Training experience |   | 10|   | 10|   | 20| 60| 60| 3| 14| Quality gear for rent |   | 10| 20| 10|   | 40| 120| 60| 4| 15| Rate over climb experience|   |   |   | 50| 10| 60| 250| 60| 4. 2| Personal particulars | 16| Gender| 20| 40|   | 60| The details of this survey are provided in survey form on appendix at last page of this report. 17| Age|   |   | 20| 30| 10| 60| | 18| Monthly Income group |   |   |   | 50| 10| 60| | 19| Frequency of visiting| 40|   | 10| 10|   | 60| | 20| Plan to join membership | 30| 10|   |   |   | 40| | 21| Already member? | 30| 30|   |   |   | 60| | 21A| Which member plan? | 10|   |   | 10| 10| 30| | Table 6a As per the rating system and survey 100% of customer gets to know about this gym by friends’ referral, as per survey the promotion is not strange enough in its attraction to new walk in customer. QUOTA SAMPLING QUOTA SAMPLING | Race | No. Survey | % | Chinese | Male | 8| 13%| Female | 12| 20%| Malay | Male | 5| 8%| | Female | 5| 8%| Indian | Male | 2| 3%| | Female | 2| 3%| Forigner | Male | 13| 22%| | Female | 13| 22%| Total | 60| 100%| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Table 6b| | | | As per quota sampling analysis shows that the 34%Chinese, 16% Malay, 6% Indian and 44% Foreigner participant in the survey analysis. Overall customer were being serve courteous in scoring at the highest at 5, and the price of entrance fees score at the lowest at 2. only. Interpreted the staff has a good relationship and treated customer as very important, but however the price is disappointing from customer's point of view. GAP ANALYSIS CUSTOMER PERCEPTION ; EXPECTATION ANALYSIS | Provider Gap | Customer Expectation | Customer Perception | GAP | Listening Gap | 4 | 3 | (1)| Service Design and Standards Gap | 4 | 4 | 0 | Service Performance Gap | 4 | 1 | (3)| Communication Gap | 5 | 5 | 0 | Total| 17| 13| -4| | | | | | Dis-confirmation GAP: Low-1, High-5 | Table 6c – Disconfirmat ion GapAs Disconfirmation model, as in the GAP model table shows in total of -4 dis confirmation Gap between customer perception and expectations. Overall they score the highest gap -3 of performance gap, operation staff need to improves on its service performance skills in term of the cleanness of toilet, change in water filler, repairing of rental climbing equipment, quality of training and redesign the current price package. The communication and listening wish is very good scored at 0 gap means the customer is very satisfied with the current communication service of employee. . 0 SWOT ANALYSIS (242words) As per chart, show CAMP FIVE has more advantage in strengths and opportunity as compare to the weakness and treats; it has shown a positive growth in the future. The further explanation will be shown as below. Strengths | Weakness | High in technology | To pricy | Strong employee capital | High operation expensive | Largest climbing gym in Asia | Limit to a small customer group from interests | Convenience of location |   | Good environment |   | Opportunity | Treats    | Expend to new customer via more promotion | Product substitution |Give FOC test climb section and tight-up promote | Change of customer taste | Tight up with government | Low season | International and locate competition |   | Table 7a SWOT ANALYSIS IN DETAILS | Strengths| The strengths of Camp five they provides high technologies in wall climbing technologies following the latest and most up-dated as Europe standard, they’re the largest gym also the best climbing in Malaysia, further Malaysia Climbing Campion is working under Camp Five, all others is also professional certified training by UIAA. They are 10,000 square feet with located inside a shopping hall, gives customer all connivances, right in the middle of city. | Weakness| Price is too high for medium end climber or either some student which have time to come as compare to the others gym is about 25-40% higher than other like PutraJaya adventure and Mad Monkey gym, although they does not have the same location advantage. High operation cost, due to the rental, hiring of employee with design maintain and operating, they also have small customer group with attracted to this sports. Opportunity| Customer group can be increase into varies of group including, student, working, employee and government, open new market, increase in brand royalty and awareness. Increase in open competition number of event for member’s link with international, tight up with UIAA| Treats| Customer may change in interest of climbing, low season people prefer going for holiday, change location to climb. | Table 7b 8. 0 TOW TOWS (50words)A TOW Analysis to the advance of SWOT to specific the elements of service marketing address Intangibility, perishability, co-production, customer contact people, physical evidence using â€Å"Strength and Opportunity†, â€Å"Weaknesses and Opportunity†, â€Å"Strengt h and Threat†, lastly â€Å"Weaknesses and Threat (WT)† exhibiting as per followings. | INTERNAL STRENGTHS | INTERNAL WEAKNESS | | 1. High in technology 2. Strong employee capital 3. Largest climbing gym in Asia 4. Convenience of location 5. Good environment | 1. To pricy 2. High operation expensive 3.Limit to a small customer group from interests | EXTERNAL OPPRTUNITIES | SO: STRATEGIES | WO: STRATEGIES | 1. Give FOC test climb section and tight-up promote 2. Tight up with government 3. International and locate competition | 1. Increase on marketing tight up with government project. 2. Tight up with more international competition host in Camp 5 3. Create more events and create awareness through press and news. 4. Get free climb section with event tight up with mall. 5. Advertise in Asia Climbing magazine. | 1. Re-structure the price 2.Increase the sales volume after to co-operate rate, eg. IBM, One World Hotel staff and tourist discount rate, increase customer group. 3 . Promote in tourism Malaysia. 4. Reduces on the use on electricity saving operation cost. 5. Attract external customer to try rock climbing | EXTERNAL THREAT | ST: STRATEGIES | WT: STRATEGIES | 1. Product substitution 2. Change of customer taste 3. Low season | 1. Increase in brand royalty 2. Arrange more activity to get member together again 3. Give special promotion at low season/ week days . Target more office people and encourage them to come after office hours. | 1. Avoid too much promotion rules in joining the membership 2. Promote friends-friends or buy one get one member free to crease interest of new members. 3. Let people enjoy this place more than other gym 4. Promote gym member switching discount or give 3 hours free personal training. | Table 8a Strength and Opportunity (SO) – By increase project from different dimension, attract more opportunity and take advantage of the good location.Increase events example: in 2006 the World Cup Europe climber from UIAA atten ds to climbing during preparation for competition includes with national climbing team from Italy, France, Austria, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, and Germany etc. Weaknesses and Opportunity (WO) – Make adjustment to the price and open up new market group like one world hotel tourist discount or business discount, VISA card member promotions, one-card member test climb section, promote the selling hardness in Point-to point exchange gift credit card promotion.Strength and Threat (ST) – Use event to increase the brand royalty to passed , current and future customers. Target more people from the office around the gym to come, make road show to promote the gym and facilities. Weaknesses and Threat (WT) – Try to make the promotion easy for customer to purchase try to avoid many Purchase to Purchase rules, try to give customer benefit able and interesting, when the headcount reaches the target (set a target) than cut of the special promotion and keep the regular promo tion just to keep the royalty customers. 9. 0 CONCLUSION (215words)This report concludes that Camp Five is good place to youth people to work-out and meet new friends, Camp Five has the great quality and it is very suitable for the Malaysian marketing in it expansion. However in total they are lack of awareness, as rock climbing is still a very new sport for Malaysia as compare to the west, therefore promotion is an essential. Overall customer has a good rating with the service provided by Camp Five but however due to the other competitor in the marketing has some influence on customer perspective therefore the building the brand and royalty customer with in the climbing network is important.Customer overall has a high interest in rock climbing and I can see they are quite royal to the interest, but due to the most majority of climbing is in the low-middle end, rating of customer the price over is too high and not expectable by most long term climber, they will prefer to seek for ot her alternative to climb although the location may not be as convenience. Camp Five should take customer in as lower price and get more royalty customer, focus on headcount is not important, however the suggestion for Camp Five will be presented in phase 2 of the assignment. 0. 0 LIST OF REFERANCE Company Research 1. Camp Five Sdn Bhd 2012, viewed 31 July 2012, ;http://camp5. com/; 2. BLOCX Sdn Bhd 2012, viewed 30 July 2012, ;http://www. blocx. com/projects/camp5. html ; 3. Alpine 2012, viewed 2 Aug 2012, ;http://amga. com/programs/alpine_AGE. php; 4. UIAA 2012, viewed 21Aug2012, ;www. theuiaa. org/; PESTEL Analysis 5. PESTEL analysis of the macro-environment by Oxford University Press. 2007, viewed 31 Jul 2012, ;http://www. oup. com/uk/orc/bin/9780199296378/01student/additional/page_12. htm; 6.PESTLE analysis history and application by CIPD. Retrieved Nov 2010, viewed 30 Jul 2012, ; http://rapidbi. com/the-pestle-analysis-tool/; Blue Print 7. Kotler,P,Brown, L, Adams,S ; Armstrong, G2004, Marketing, 6th edn, Pearson Education, Australia 8. Shostack, GL 1992, ‘Understanding services through blueprinting’, in T Swartz, D Brown ; S Brown(eds), Advances in services marketing and management, vol. 1,JAI Press, 9. Greenwich, CT, pp. 75-90. 10. Dr C. Thomas Oliva(2012), Basic blueprint reading and sketching 50 th edn, Thomas Delmar. 11.Newell Frederich(1926), customer relationship management in the new era of internal marketing, New York, London: McGraw-Hill, 2000 12. Valarie A. Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner and Dawayne Gremler (2008), Service Marketing Integrating customer focus across the firm 5th ed. Service Marketing 13. Christopher Lovelock and Jochen Wirtz (2011), Services Marketing – People, Technology, Strategy. 7th ed. , Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Porter’s Model 14. Chapman, A 2004-2009, Porter’s Five Forces Model, BusinessBalls. com, Leicester, England, viewed 19 August 2011, ;http://www. usinessballs. com/por tersfiveforcesofcompetition. htm; Others 15. CIA 2012, The worldfact book, viewed 10 Aug 2012, ;https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook; 16. Konopka, G. (1973) â€Å"Requirements for Healthy Development of Adolescent Youth†, Adolescence. VIII(31), p. 24. 17. Thomas, A. (2003) â€Å"Psychology of Adolescents†, Self-Concept, Weight Issues and Body Image in Children and Adolescents, p. 88 11 APENDIX –SURVEY FORM A survey forms has attach as the result outcome of interview with Camp Five’s customer. CAMP 5 THE LARGEST IN ASIA How Do You Rate Your Climbing?We are committed to providing you with the best climbing experience possible, so we welcome your comments. Please fill out this questionnaire and place it in the box in our check-out reception counter. Thank you! Are you a first time coming to this climbing gym? YesNo How do you know about this climbing gym? AdsReferralOnline/LearnOthers Website from Vision Please specify: _____________ _____ * * How do rate the total expectation with us, please rate as per below†¦. The reliability of the staff 12345 DisappointingExceptional The willingness the staff – Helpfulness or friendliness 12345DisappointingExceptional Was you serve†¦ Courteous? Informative? YesNoYesNo The price of entrance fees. 12345 DisappointingExceptional The attribute of the gym – Does the climbing level fits you? 12345 DisappointingExceptional Your favorite climbing level is ________________ (FRANCH or USA) Is there enough variety of climb. 12345 DisappointingExceptional Please rate the connivance of this location? 12345 DisappointingExceptional CAMP 5 THE LARGEST IN ASIA How Do You Rate Your Climbing? We are committed to providing you with the best climbing experience possible, so we welcome your comments.Please fill out this questionnaire and place it in the box in our check-out reception counter. Thank you! Are you a first time coming to this climbing gym? YesNo How do you k now about this climbing gym? AdsReferralOnline/LearnOthers Website from Vision Please specify: __________________ * * How do rate the total expectation with us, please rate as per below†¦. The reliability of the staff 12345 DisappointingExceptional The willingness the staff – Helpfulness or friendliness 12345 DisappointingExceptional Was you serve†¦ Courteous? Informative? YesNoYesNo The price of entrance fees. 12345DisappointingExceptional The attribute of the gym – Does the climbing level fits you? 12345 DisappointingExceptional Your favorite climbing level is ________________ (FRANCH or USA) Is there enough variety of climb. 12345 DisappointingExceptional Please rate the connivance of this location? 12345 DisappointingExceptional Was our gym clean? 12345 DisappointingExceptional Safety of environment and climbing area? * * 12345 * Disappointing Exceptional Please rate your overall training experience. (If any) 12345 DisappointingExceptional Name of course ______________________ Please rate the quality of gears. If any) 12345 DisappointingExceptional Please rate your overall climbing experience. 12345 DisappointingExceptional Personal particulars Please be assure as this particular will only be analysis on a positive bases as for the profiling and not for individual use, be assure those details will not be use for another purpose. Gender Male Female Age 15 and 15-20 21-3031-4040 and Below More Monthly Income Student 20002000- 4001- 6000 or No Income or lower 4000 6000 higher How frequently do you visit our gym? -5 times per month 1-2 times per month Once every 2 months Other Do you plan to join to our gym’s membership? Yes No You already have the membership? Yes No ? 10pass 3mths6mths12mths 12mths (Prepaid) (Installment) Was our gym clean? 12345 DisappointingExceptional Safety of environment and climbing area? * * 12345 * Disappointing Exceptional Please rate your overall training experience. (If any) 12345 DisappointingExce ptional Name of course ______________________ Please rate the quality of gears. (If any) 12345DisappointingExceptional Please rate your overall climbing experience. 12345 DisappointingExceptional Personal particulars Please be assure as this particular will only be analysis on a positive bases as for the profiling and not for individual use, be assure those details will not be use for another purpose. Gender Male Female Age 15 and 15-20 21-3031-4040 and Below More Monthly Income Student 20002000- 4001- 6000 or No Income or lower 4000 6000 higher How frequently do you visit our gym? -5 times per month 1-2 times per month Once every 2 months Other Do you plan to join to our gym’s membership? Yes No You already have the membership? Yes No ? 10pass 3mths6mths12mths 12mths (Prepaid) (Installment) * Would you recommend our climbing gym to a friend? Why, or why not? * How might we have made it more memorable to you? What training course did you taken? How is your experience? ( if any) * Please share any additional comments or suggestions. Camp 5 Climbing Gym Camp Five Sdn bhd EZ501, 5th Floor, 1 Utama Shopping CentreBandar Utama, 47800, Selangor, Malaysia Phone (603) 77260420/410 Fax (603) 77260210 http://www. camp5. com [email  protected] com * Would you recommend our climbing gym to a friend? Why, or why not? * How might we have made it more memorable to you? What training course did you taken? How is your experience? ( if any) * Please share any additional comments or suggestions. Camp 5 Climbing Gym Camp Five Sdn bhd EZ501, 5th Floor, 1 Utama Shopping Centre Bandar Utama, 47800, Selangor, Malaysia Phone (603) 77260420/410 Fax (603) 77260210 http://www. camp5. com [email  protected] com

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

FASB Codification System Orientation Paper

Becoming an accountant there are many guidelines and regulations that one must become aware of. The FASB assists in establishing these guidelines through generally accepted accounting principles, GAAP. As an accountant one must follow GAAP while producing any reports for a business. Consequently, the author will explore the FASB Codification System, its purpose, and contents.The FASB Codification SystemThe FASB Codification Systems is a source of principles and standards recognized by the FASB that is applied to nongovernmental entities in the preparation of financial statements in conformity with (GAAP). â€Å"Rules and interpretive releases of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under authority of federal securities laws are also sources of authoritative GAAP for SEC registrants† (FASB. n.d.). Generally, the FASB Codification System helps to establish the principles and framework for preparation of financial statements.The Purpose of FASB Codification SystemThe purp ose is to have accounting to have established GAAP principles for nongovernmental entities to follow. This helps to maintain uniform accounting principles. The FASB Accounting Standards Codification as the source of authoritative principles and standards recognized by the FASB to be applied by nongovernmental entities in the preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP (FASB. n.d.). The SEC helps to regulate to ensure entities are following the guidelines properly.The content and types under FASB Codification SystemThe nine content areas located under the FASB Codification System is general principles, presentation, assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, expenses, broad transactions, and industry. Under the general principles are overview, objectives, scope, scope exceptions, glossary, transition, open effective date information, grandfathered guidance, and XBRL Elements. The presentation section lists all the different types of financial statements. The assets name al l assets such as cash, cash equivalents, receivables, investments, inventory, and more. The liability, equity, revenue, expenses,  broad transaction, and industry list accordingly. In general each section reviews each classification and its sub categories within financial statements.ConclusionThe FASB Codification System establishes GAAP principles that must be followed within nongovernmental entities while preparing financial statements. The website thoroughly explains all financial statements and classification codes. These principles assist in keeping conformity in financial reporting which is critical to follow while accounting for a business.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Willamette University - Scores, Costs, and Admissions

Willamette University - Scores, Costs, and Admissions If you are interested in attending Willamette University, the good news is that their acceptance rate is 78 percent of applicants. Willamette is a small private university located in Salem, Oregon, directly across the street from the states capitol building. The undergraduate College of Liberal Arts is well-regarded nationally, a fact that earned the school a chapter of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. The university prides itself on the number students who study abroad and the number of hours its students devote to service (more than 60,000 hours a year of volunteerism). Academics at Willamette are supported by a healthy 10 to 1 student / faculty ratio. Willamette students come from 43 states and 27 countries. In athletics, the Willamette Bears compete in the NCAA Division III Northwest Conference. Popular sports include swimming, rowing, basketball, tennis, cross country, and track and field. Will you get in if you apply to Willamette University? Calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) Percent of Applicants Admitted: 78 percentGPA, SAT and ACT graph for WillametteTest Scores: 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: - / -SAT Math: - / -SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanCompare SAT scores for Oregon collegesACT Composite: - / -ACT English: - / -ACT Math: - / -What these ACT numbers meanCompare ACT scores for Oregon colleges Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 2,556 (1,997 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 44Â  percent Male / 56 percent Female93Â  percent Full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $47,217Books: $950 (why so much?)Room and Board: $11,600Other Expenses: $1,232Total Cost: $60,999 Willamette University Financial Aid (2015-16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 99Â  percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 99 percentLoans: 56 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $26,239Loans: $7,836 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors: Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English, Global Studies, History, Political Science, PsychologyWhat major is right for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 86Â  percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 70 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 78Â  percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, Football, Golf, Cross Country, Basketball, Baseball, SoccerWomens Sports: Cross Country, Rowing, Soccer, Softball, Track and Field, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Swimming If You Like Willamette University, You May Also Like These Schools Whitman College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Oregon: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWestern Washington University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Washington: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSeattle University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphGonzaga University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWhitworth University: ProfileSanta Clara University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of the Pacific: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of California - Davis: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphPortland State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of California - Santa Cruz: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWestern Oregon University: Profile Willamette University Mission Statement mission statement from Willamette University provides rigorous education in the liberal arts and selected professional fields. Teaching and learning, strengthened by scholarship and service, flourish in a vibrant campus community. A Willamette education prepares graduates to transform knowledge into action and lead lives of achievement, contribution and meaning. Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics

Monday, October 21, 2019

Minimal State Liberals Active State Liberals A Critical Discussion

Minimal State Liberals Active State Liberals A Critical Discussion Both welfare and neo-classical liberals share some similarities arising from the fact they were born from the same set of ideals, but they also have their differing viewpoints that to a large extent stem from their divergent reactions to the social effects of the Industrial Revolution.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Minimal State Liberals Active State Liberals: A Critical Discussion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In similarities, it is clear both welfare and neo-classical liberals believe in the value and promotion of individual liberty and a desire for a more open and tolerant society, not mentioning that they are guided by the twin elements of individual rational self interest and competition in their attempts to promote self interest (Dolbeare Cummings, 2009). Extant literature, however, demonstrates that the two political ideologies differ on very key issues that were pushed into the limelight by the social effects of the Industrial Revolution. Borrowing heavily on Darwin’s Theory of evolution, the neo-classical liberals, also referred to as minimal-state liberals, argue that people should not invest too much power in the government as such a move would obstruct the realization of individual liberty. Indeed, the neo-classical liberals suggest that â€Å"†¦the state or government should be nothing more than a night watchman whose only legitimate business is to protect the person and property of individuals against force and fraud† (Dolbeare Cummings, 2009 p. 71). Arising from this description, it is also clear that neo-classical liberals support minimal regulations in the pursuit of economic competition. The welfare liberals (also called the active-state liberals), however, argue from the perspective that the government should play a bigger role in ensuring the liberty of people by rescuing them from social ills such as poverty, ignorance and illness. Addi tionally, while neoclassical liberals reinforce the perspective that the strongest, smartest and most fit will survival in the competition at the expense of the poor and the weak, the welfare liberals are more concerned with ensuring that every person in the society enjoys an equal opportunity in life (Dolbeare Cummings, 2009). In the United States, it is clear that these differences led to the formation of the republican political ideology arising from neo-classical liberals set of ideals and democrat political dispensation arising from the welfare liberals set of idealsAdvertising Looking for critical writing on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It can be argued that the neo-classical liberals are more conservative than the welfare state liberals due to their quest to put in place a society that leans more toward the protection of property and its propensity to argue from the social Darwinism ori entation that only the strongest and the hardest working will survive. Neo-classical liberals come out strongly as more conservative than active-state liberals as they seem oriented to ‘conserve’ or ‘preserve’ the status quo by fighting for minimal government interference with private property. In a sense, it appears correct to argue that neo-classical liberals seem to hold a much higher value on private property and material wealth than on guaranteeing that people are assisted to achieve their liberty and full potential by providing them with a totally new framework and political dispensation to deal with a multiplicity of social ills bedeviling society, including poverty, ignorance and illness (Dolbeare Cummings, 2009). Lastly, it is correct to argue that neo-classical and welfare liberals exercise ideological and political philosophies that are clearly different from classical conservatism. While both neo-classical and welfare liberals believe in ration al human behavior guided by the value and promotion of individual liberty, classical conservatives are of the opinion that political society develops over time out of custom and human society, and that people’s capacity to reason is severely limited. Reference Dolbeare, K.M., Cummings, M.S. (2009). American political thought (6th ed.). Washington, DC: CQ Press.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Manage and Identify Sourwood

How to Manage and Identify Sourwood Sourwood is a tree for all seasons and is found in the forest understory, along roadsides and a pioneering tree in clearings. A member of the heath family, Oxydendrum arboreum is primarily a hill country tree that has a range from Pennsylvania to the Gulf Coastal Plain. The leaves are dark, lustrous green and appear to weep or hang from the twigs while branches droop toward the ground. Branching patterns and persistent fruit give the tree an interesting look in the winter. Sourwood is one of the first trees to turn fall colors in the Eastern forest. By late August, it is common to see foliage of young sourwood trees along roadsides beginning to turn red. The fall color of sourwood is a striking red and orange and associated with blackgum and sassifras. It is an early summer bloomer and gives fresh flower color after most flowering plants have faded. These flowers also provide the nectar for bees and the very tasty and sought out sourwood honey. Specifics Scientific name: Oxydendrum arboreumPronunciation: ock-sih-DEN-drum ar-BORE-ee-umCommon name(s): Sourwood, Sorrel-TreeFamily: EricaceaeUSDA hardiness zones: USDA hardiness zones: USDA hardiness zones: 5 through 9AOrigin: Native to North AmericaUses: recommended for buffer strips around parking lots or for median strip plantings in the highway; shade tree; specimen; no proven urban toleranceAvailability: somewhat available, may have to go out of the region to find the tree Special Uses Sourwood is occasionally used as an ornamental because of its brilliant fall color and mid-summer flowers. It is of little value as a timber species but the wood is heavy and is used locally for handles, firewood and in mixture with other species for pulp. Sourwood is important as a source of honey in some areas and sourwood honey is marketed locally. Description Sourwood usually grows as a pyramid or narrow oval with a more or less straight trunk at a height of 25 to 35 feet but can reach 50 to 60 feet tall with a spread of 25 to 30 feet. Occasionally young specimens have a more open spreading habit reminiscent of Redbud.Crown density: denseGrowth rate: slowTexture: medium Leaves Leaf arrangement: alternateLeaf type: simpleLeaf margin: entire; serrulate; undulateLeaf shape: lanceolate; oblongLeaf venation: banchidodrome; pinnateLeaf type and persistence: deciduousLeaf blade length: 4 to 8 inchesLeaf color: green Fall color: orange; red Fall characteristic: showy Trunk and Branches Trunk/bark/branches: droop as the tree grows, and will require pruning for vehicular or pedestrian clearance beneath the canopy; not particularly showy; should be grown with a single leader; no thornsPruning requirement: needs little pruning to develop a strong structureBreakage: resistantCurrent year twig color: green; reddishCurrent year twig thickness: medium; thin Pests and Diseases Pests are usually not a problem for Sourwood. Fall webworm can defoliate portions of the tree in summer and fall but usually control is not needed. As far as diseases, twig blight kills leaves at the branch tips. Trees in poor health seem to be more susceptible. Prune out infected branch tips and fertilize. Leaf spots can discolor some leaves but are not serious other than causing premature defoliation. Culture Light requirement: tree grows in part shade/part sun; tree grows in full sunSoil tolerances: clay; loam; sand; acidic; well-drainedDrought tolerance: moderateAerosol salt tolerance: moderate In Depth Sourwood grows slowly, adapts to sun or shade, and prefers a slightly acid, peaty loam. The tree transplants easily when young and from containers of any size. Sourwood grows well in confined soil spaces with good drainage making it a candidate for urban plantings but is largely untried as a street tree. It is reportedly sensitive to air pollution injury Irrigation is required during hot, dry weather to keep leaves on the tree. Reportedly not highly drought tolerant, but there are beautiful specimens in USDA hardiness zone 7 growing in the open sun in poor clay with no irrigation.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Research proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research Proposal Example Increased sales is one of the potential benefits of customer relationship managent and results from identification and utilization of customers’ needs. Market expansion and higher profit margins are other benefits that organizations may reap from implementing customer relationship management. In addition, developing an understanding of customers’ needs ensures utility among the customers, a factor that also ensures customer retention and even marketing through customers’ testimonies. Customer relationship management also has an ultimate effect of decreasing an organization’s sales and other marketing expenses (Chaturvedi 2009, p. 5). Different approaches and techniques, however, exist that determine banks’ application of customer relationship management and may be a factor to the current trend in application of the management approach in the financing sector and establish a difference in application of customer relationship management by different t ypes of players in the sector (Rai and Singh 2012, n.p.). The study focuses on the current trend among banks and micro-finance institutions in the United Kingdom. Customer relationship management offers numerous advantages towards competitive advantage, should an organization implement it. This study seeks to investigate the use of the management towards these benefits with the aim of identifying possible inefficient application and creating awareness among the target organizations towars higher competitiveness and customer utility. Identifying trend in application of the managent and comparing this with trends in applicable technologies for customer relationship management will help inform the target population of necessary changes in the applications. In addition, understanding applications of customer relationship management, as applied by banks and other micro-finance organizations, will help in integrating techniques in the management branch, and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Global Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global Supply Chain Management - Essay Example This increased tendency of supermarkets selling fresh produce has been driven by consumer demand changes, particularly as the standard of living improves and consumer awareness regarding healthy living grows (Batt & Noonan, 2009: p95). Food has become one of the key measures of life quality, including how the consumers buy the food. Markets that sell produce with no quality guarantee and a poor environment cannot satisfy consumer demand, especially for those consumers pursuing a life of high quality. This type of consumer wants to purchase desirable food within an environment that they feel is comfortable. In the UK, produce markets have gradually given way to supermarkets, which is a reflection of consumer demand changes. Today, at least 80-95% of fresh produce is sold in groceries and supermarkets, which are also the biggest buyers of DGI’s produce, while the commercialization of fruit in the UK today stands at 90%, that of meat products at 50%, and vegetables and grain at o ver 30% (Batt & Noonan, 2009: p95). In such an environment, the traditional transactions involved in selling produce cannot satisfy production and selling of mass produce.   Supply chain management involves a chained process via which services, materials, organizations, and plans flow to the consumer/terminal user from the supplier. Xiao and Chen (2012: p792) contends that the strength and efficiency of the supply chain is always determined by the weakest link within the chain. Unlike traditional management of logistics.

Class. Race, Gender, Sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Class. Race, Gender, Sexuality - Essay Example On the other hand, race and gender influence social position of women and men, their educational and work opportunities (Foley 70). Race and gender have a great impact on social inequalities and rights, freedoms and life challenges. Through a complex interaction of identification processes, symbol systems, and social institutions, gender differences are produced--typically in the form of a dichotomy that not only opposes masculinity to femininity but also translates these oppositional differences into gender hierarchy, the privileging of traits and activities defined as masculine over those defined as feminine. Thus, although it is important to recognize the cultural variation in how gender differences are formed and expressed, it is also important to stress the political nature of gender as a system of difference construction and hierarchical dichotomy production that is constitutive of almost all contemporary societies. From the point of views of the ethnographer, the categories of class, race, gender and sexuality can be separable because they determine different social processes which can be considered in isolation. For instance, it is possible speak about race or sexual prejudices, stereotypes and inequalities. In education, race and class prejudice can affect groups' achievement and those who are minority students (Foley 72). Classes exist in a given society to the extent that there are significant links between these three levels of social life: if economically determined posi ¬tions correlate significantly with people's lived experience and consciousness, and if both of these have a significant bearing on how they behave as consumers, workers or citizens - on how they live, the organizations they join, the parties they support, and so on. On the other hand, gender and sexuality can also be considered in isolation in such cases as discrimination and sexual harassment. Foley (1990) underlines that: "they [men] gained their gender status through winning a male's attention and loyalty and through domesticating a sexually restless, domineering male" (69). Women becomes a suffer group because they often come to be stereotyped as victims. By bridging the personal and the political, gender also provides an alternative basis for action; helping to build up networks that cross other boundaries, whose actions have become increasingly significant. These categories are not fixed changing over time. During the XX century, different theories were developed in order to describe and interpret the ideas of race and sexuality. For instance, Foley (1990) speaks about such thing as 'bonded sexuality' typical for mexian communities. "This idea of a "bonded sexuality" legitimates pre-marital sex in a traditional cultural setting. This exchange relationship between males and females was not necessarily egalitarian, however. Each sex made rather different concessions for the advantages gained" (70). There is a shift in attitudes towards greater acceptance of gender and sexual equality, despite abundant evidence of continuing prejudice, inertia and discrimination. Till the beginning of the XX century, women sexuality was also ways denied. Recent years the understanding of race has been changed, because as a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Processes and Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Processes and Systems - Essay Example The main objective of a marketing strategy lies in the verification of the nature, way, strength and relationship between environmental factors in specific situations and marketing mix essentials (Thompson & Strickland, 2008). A marketing strategy is developed in order to build, maintain and defend a company’s competitive edge. Operations management involves production, warehousing, purchasing, shipping, maintenance and planning. Operational strategy involves a set of directions for specific tasks and personnel. It involves getting the company through a product from point A to B. Marketing strategies deal with long-term objectives of the company while operational strategies focus on short-term ones. They are set to be achieved within a specific period. Marketing strategies are put in place so that the company can grow through competition with other companies in the same market (Phelan & Ferreia, 2002). Operational strategies, on the other hand, work depending on the set out ma rketing strategies. The strategies include such points as how to attract potential customers, how to maximize wants and how to meet customer satisfaction through efficient services. Marketing mix becomes a part of operational marketing in this way. Marketing strategies involve the optimization of marketing processes. This means that they ensure that demand of a specific product is channelled in the right direction. It involves the creation of more wants among customers, which is of course at a reasonable rate. The marketing strategies employed must not only be implemented through reasonable, sound and consistent practices. The strategies must also be dynamic and interactive. Operational strategies, when adequately implemented, get a company the most profit for the least amount of resources. The observation is that marketing strategies refer to a company’s long-term approach to positioning itself in its markets (Bhurian, Menguc, & Bell, 2007). Operational strategies refer to t he day to day approach of managing aspects such as pricing and advertisement. This, in turn, shapes the long-term direction of the company. Armed with the above information, it is possible to evaluate the relationship between marketing and operational strategies at Pars Food Limited. The company has a strategy of competitive advantage and differentiation. This means that one of its marketing strategies is quality delivery. One of their objectives is to have the capacity to serve clientele from their location, wherever it may be. The intention here is to service delivery when needed, thereby creating more wants. This will translate into steady supply and more profits. Of course, that relates well with the company’s business strategy of sustainable profit. One of the company’s operational strategies is transport sourcing within the company. This is bound to reduce the current costs of outsourcing transport. Transport is an important aspect of operations in this company a s its use is evidenced from the initial sourcing of the material to the final delivery of product to customers (Brooksbank, 2010). Delivery of service to customers wherever they may be is one of Pars Food Limited’s marketing strategies. Bearing in mind quality and consistence, it would be adequate for the company to have its own transport means for

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 53

Essay Example As the president of America, it was the duty of Nixon to justify this war to calm down the sentiments of the people. The major problem addressed in this speech by Nixon was the growing protests against Vietnam War in America which is evident from the following words. I believe that one of the reasons for the deep division about Vietnam is that many Americans have lost confidence in what their Government has told them about our policy. The American people cannot and should not be asked to support a policy which involves the overriding issues of war and peace unless they know the truth about that policy (Nixon). Nixon wanted to eradicate the rumours and controversies spreading about this war among the Americans. Nixon realised that a government in a democratic country needs to work in line with the interests of the people. In other words, in democratic countries like America, the ultimate power lies in the hands of the people since the people elect the government. Nixon used Ethos, Pathos, Logos, and Mythos extensively throughout this speech. Ethos or the character of Nixon is evident from the following words; â€Å"For the United States this first defeat in our nation’s history would result in a collapse of confidence in American leadership not only in Asia but throughout the world† (Nixon). Nixon was not ready to accept defeat in Vietnam. He was of the view that America’s inability to eradicate communism from Vietnam may perceive as a weakness of America by the external world. Pathos is the emotional persuasion. â€Å"After all, we became involved in the war while my predecessor was in office. I could blame the defeat, which would be the result of my action, on him -- and come out as the peacemaker† (Nixon). Nixon was ready to accept the responsibilities of this war which is evident from the words mentioned above. He reminds the public that it was easy for him to spread his image as a peacemaker by staying away

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business Processes and Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Processes and Systems - Essay Example The main objective of a marketing strategy lies in the verification of the nature, way, strength and relationship between environmental factors in specific situations and marketing mix essentials (Thompson & Strickland, 2008). A marketing strategy is developed in order to build, maintain and defend a company’s competitive edge. Operations management involves production, warehousing, purchasing, shipping, maintenance and planning. Operational strategy involves a set of directions for specific tasks and personnel. It involves getting the company through a product from point A to B. Marketing strategies deal with long-term objectives of the company while operational strategies focus on short-term ones. They are set to be achieved within a specific period. Marketing strategies are put in place so that the company can grow through competition with other companies in the same market (Phelan & Ferreia, 2002). Operational strategies, on the other hand, work depending on the set out ma rketing strategies. The strategies include such points as how to attract potential customers, how to maximize wants and how to meet customer satisfaction through efficient services. Marketing mix becomes a part of operational marketing in this way. Marketing strategies involve the optimization of marketing processes. This means that they ensure that demand of a specific product is channelled in the right direction. It involves the creation of more wants among customers, which is of course at a reasonable rate. The marketing strategies employed must not only be implemented through reasonable, sound and consistent practices. The strategies must also be dynamic and interactive. Operational strategies, when adequately implemented, get a company the most profit for the least amount of resources. The observation is that marketing strategies refer to a company’s long-term approach to positioning itself in its markets (Bhurian, Menguc, & Bell, 2007). Operational strategies refer to t he day to day approach of managing aspects such as pricing and advertisement. This, in turn, shapes the long-term direction of the company. Armed with the above information, it is possible to evaluate the relationship between marketing and operational strategies at Pars Food Limited. The company has a strategy of competitive advantage and differentiation. This means that one of its marketing strategies is quality delivery. One of their objectives is to have the capacity to serve clientele from their location, wherever it may be. The intention here is to service delivery when needed, thereby creating more wants. This will translate into steady supply and more profits. Of course, that relates well with the company’s business strategy of sustainable profit. One of the company’s operational strategies is transport sourcing within the company. This is bound to reduce the current costs of outsourcing transport. Transport is an important aspect of operations in this company a s its use is evidenced from the initial sourcing of the material to the final delivery of product to customers (Brooksbank, 2010). Delivery of service to customers wherever they may be is one of Pars Food Limited’s marketing strategies. Bearing in mind quality and consistence, it would be adequate for the company to have its own transport means for

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Global HRM (BUS 303) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global HRM (BUS 303) - Essay Example This impacts the HR planning in the domain of cultural diversity and cross cultural dimensions because the workforce in today’s world is highly consist of culturally diverse employees (Brewster and Harris). The implications of HRM in the context of Hoftede’s model of cultural dimensions become vast in the domain of humanistic and cultural diversity. The HRM managers are required to have knowledge regarding to every culture which exist in the workforce of organization including individualism and collectivism, power distance, orientation and gender dominance (Brewster and Harris). In Trompenaars’ model, several differences are illuminated in order to create a balance in the workforce which is the responsibility of HRM (Youssef). These differences include universalism and particularism, individualism and collectivism, specific and diffused, and inner directed and outer directed which varies from culture to culture. HRM managers in the international context must acknowledge these differences on certain circumstances in concordance with the culturally diverse workforce (Brewster and Harris). The GLOBE model proposes several cultural aspects which must be understood by international HRM managers and HR planning. These aspects include diversity in humane orientation, assertiveness, avoidance of uncertainty and performance orientation (Brewster and Harris). International HRM is the contemporary issue which mainly deals with the cultural aspects because of the incorporation of cross cultural workforce. Cultural studies and models must be implied by each HRM manager in conformity with the culture of its workforce by which the deliverance of successful HRM can be

Monday, October 14, 2019

Sports and Resistance in the United States Essay Example for Free

Sports and Resistance in the United States Essay In his book entitled What’s My Name Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States, author Dave Zirin presents a thought provoking and inviting glimpse look at the polluted industry of sports as well as the brilliant personalities who played significant roles in its history. The author utilizes the achievements of the black athletes and that of the Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR) in order to connect the problem of racial discrimination. All the black athletes are playing an important role in establishing their social status. Even though many people would rather not admit it, professional sports in the American scene are certainly more than just a piece of entertainment. Professional sports in the country are considered to be an institution. It also forms a fundamental element in the country’s popular culture. For a majority of men, sports, whether in the form of a plain discussion, as a spectator, or actually playing the game constitutes an integral part of socialization. For a guy who would not want to be dismissed as an odd or nerd, must have an interest in sports to the very least. This fascination in sports usually transforms later on into somewhat bordering a passion. Sports were in essence absurd. The audience is kept sidetracked, passive, and amused whereas issues of great importance are devoted little consideration. Even though there is a certain amount of truth to the following claims, what the author presents in his unique and captivating book is much more multifaceted than where the observation may lead to. Pulling from a source of significant milestones in the history of sports, for instance, the plight of the African American athletes during the Olympics held in 1968, summed up by the painful breaking of the color line at the Major League Baseball by Jackie Robinson, the stripping off the belt of Muhammad Ali for refusal to train for the United States armed forces, and John Carlos and Tommie Smith’s currently infamous â€Å"Black Power Salute† at the medal platform, the author details a political impact of professional sports that was usually being dismissed, overlooked, or utterly kept secret (Zirin, 2005; Green, 2008; Nader, 2005). The most important insight derives from the author’s outline and discussion of the significant milestones in sports history prior to the year 1990 (Zirin, 2005). His drawing out from the history of revolutionary undertakings in the struggle for communal and economic justice provides even for the most avid sports fanatic a novel insight. Zirin’s introduce to his readers the inspiring story of Lester Rodney as a sportswriter. This chapter gives a standpoint on the history of sports which is not often emphasized (Zirin, 2005). The boldness of stealing home to serve as a symbol of a potential for societal transformation in the following chapter likewise brings in fascinating insights concerning the one who destroyed the color barrier in Major League Baseball back in the year 1947. Although a great deal of literature has been afforded to Robinson, the author stresses about the relationship that existed between him and other leaders and athletes, in particular, Malcolm X, Joe Loius, Paul Robenson, and Martin Luther King, Jr. A reflective insight is presented about Robinson as a brave figure rather than as a activist in the latter years of his existence. The author illustrates the manner in which sports usually mirror the times besides being an agent of its change. It begins with a fascinating recount of the political history of American sports by stressing certain important milestones prior to presenting a compilation of his latest personal articles and interviews with the personalities who played a primary role to shape the American sports scene (Zirin, 2005). The personalities include Lester Rodney, Lee Evans, John Carlos, and George Foreman (Zirin, 2005). The author is a bold progressive and his book is visibly penned down from that stance. The parallelism between the subjects of politics and sports is conferred in the framework of the battle of the underprivileged for a more impartial society. It also speaks of the concessions triumphed over against the odds, as well as the struggles combating the evils of racial discrimination and sexism. The book presents a novel standpoint on different personalities who made an impact during their lifetime. For example, do a lot of people recognize that Rodney’s writings were instrumental in accenting the racially prejudiced nature of professional football and drove to integrate? Do a lot of people recognize how rebellious and conceited Jackie Robinson was and what how instrumental he is in the struggle for civil liberties before his death, or that among of his utmost disappointments was letting others use him to serve their purpose, and his bearing witness in opposition to Paul Robeson? Do they even grasp that boxers were yet to have union and be granted medical care? How about other than attributing the infamous black gloved power salutation at the Olympics held way back in 1968 that John Carlos even went barefoot to voice disapproval for the black destitution in the United States? Even so, George Foreman’s act of waving an undersized American flag after winning the gold medal at a boxing match be compared with Carlos and Smith though that he was simply politically unmindful to what was happening during that particular moment in history (). The author is evidently mocking those who conceal sports in nationalistic language to fulfill their personal interest but eventually throw stones at certain athletes whose beliefs and behaviors find faults in societal and economic inequalities. In a manner of speaking, the ones who sincerely work and trust according to the standards of democracy and echoes the most sacred of all values which is otherwise known as the right to dispute. Zirin’s book is sure to spark an interest in sports enthusiasts, history buff concerned with the American sports scene, or even aggressive journalists. It is also a good research material for sociology, culture, and history. The stories recounted are not plain feel good sports narratives. The accounts speak of invariable moral courage possessed by the athletes. They describe about the great tolls they confronted in their personal and professional lives. The stories remind the audience of how they made a difference in the sports scene for themselves as well as for their co-athletes and supporters who rely on their strength of character. Even for those whose interest in sports may have waned can still agree that the book does an excellent job in discussing a topic that is hardly ever mulled over but nonetheless is quite interesting talk about. Zirin’s work offers an interesting read for the American sports scene enthusiasts, but particularly those who have been or still are managing the shame of having an unfaltering interest in sports, though there are certainly more things of greater significance to divert their attention to. As the country progresses, it was clear that people are willing pay what it might cost them to witness sports played at its finest. The 20’s and 50’s, decades having comparable economic conditions witnessed this concept grow (Black, 2007; Sailes, 1998). These years were decades of urbanization and development (Black, 2007; Sailes, 1998). It was around these times when media technology delivered sports via the radio waves and later on to the television screens right the comfort of the audiences’ homes. Most significantly, these were the years following violent world wars that left the world seeking for help, diversion, and a form of relaxation. Besides developing into a lucrative form entertainment for the masses, professional sports in the United States turned out to be a successful tool for the financial and political leaders to endorse their standards and principles. This is the reason why American sports mirror a markedly American venture, originating from the hopes for excellence, triumph and oppression. The American sports are unique in its own right taking pride in calling their athletes as champions of their respective leagues. References Black, S. (2007). Talking Back Sports. Canadian Dimension, 41, 47. Green, J. (2008). Muhammad Ali: Champion of the World. Book Links, 17, 8-9. Nader, R. CommonDreams. org. (2005). What’s My Name, Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States. Retrieved September 30, 2008, from http://www. commondreams. org/views05/0806-24. htm. Sailes, G. A. (1998). African American in Sport. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers. Zirin, D. (2005). What’s My Name Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States. Chicago: Haymarket Books.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Lynmouth Floods

The Lynmouth Floods Case Study: Lynmouth Lynmouth is a village in Devon, England, on the north edge of Exmoor. The village is on the converging point of the West Lyn and East Lyn rivers, in a gorge 700 feet (210 m) below Lynton, to which it is connected by the Lynton and Lynmouth Cliff Railway. The two villages are governed at local level by Lynton and Lynmouth Town Council. Lynmouth is rural area with not much corporate activity going on. It is in the coastal part of the United Kingdom Island, which makes it a large tourist attraction spot. People usually come to Lynmouth for Tourism and the activities they do are mainly horseback riding, fishing and boat rides. Flood in 1952 On the 15th and 16th of August 1952, a storm of tropical started over in south-west England, precipitating 229 millimetres (9.0 in) of rain within 24 hours on a coastal area, Exmoor. It is thought that a cold front started a thunderstorm, and the storm worsened. An immediate surface run-off occurred and it caused a flash flood. Large amounts of floodwaters moved down the northern part, converging upon the village of Lynmouth; in particular, in the upper West Lyn valley, a dam was formed by fallen trees. This caused potential energy to form and after a while the water broke through the dam sending a huge wave of water and fragments down that river. Overnight, over 100 buildings were destroyed or seriously damaged along with 28 of the 31 bridges, and 38 cars were washed out to sea. In total, 34 people died, with a further 420 made homeless. Overall the rainstorm lasted about fourteen hours and 300 million gallons of rain precipitated. Cause of the Flood The small but steep sided drainage basin in which Lynmouth was situated increased the risk of flooding in the area. The steep sides encouraged greater surface runoff and combined with the small drainage basin size meant any water could reach the river fairly quickly. This was made worse by the high drainage density of the area due to the impermeable rocks of the area around Exmoor which formed the source of the river; again increasing the amount of surface runoff following rainfall. Prior to August 15th 1952 Lynmouth had received above average rainfall for 12 out of the first 14 days of the month meaning the soils were already saturated and the river levels high. On August 15th a heavy thunderstorm resulted in 200mm falling in 14 hours, one of the three heaviest rainfalls recorded in the UK. This heavy rain combined with the saturated ground and rapid surface runoff resulted in a huge volume of water flowing down the river. As Lynmouth is situated at the confluence of the East and We st Lyn rivers the volume of water was increased further at this point and the was far beyond the capacity of the river channel causing the river to burst its banks. This resulted in devastating floods as the West Lyn which had been diverted during the construction of parts of Lynmouth retook its natural course, flowing straight through the village. Prevention Following the Lynmouth flood disaster, flood management plans were put in place to try and ensure such a disaster could not happen again by managing any excess rain water so that the River could handle it in the in the future. A number of flood management strategies were put in place: The mouth of the East Lyn was widened to increase capacity and allow water to quickly pass into the Bristol Channel The West Lyn was straightened to increase channel efficiency straightening the channel reduces friction and increases velocity, enabling water to travel through the channel as quickly as possible making it more efficient in coping with flood waters; The West Lyn was not redirected, instead being allowed to follow its natural course Floodplain zoning was used to identify areas around the river most at risk from flooding. Building restrictions were then put in place with areas close to the river which are most prone to flooding being left as open spaces such as car parks. Bridges were made wider and taller to allow flood water to tr avel quickly beneath them and to reduce the likelihood of debris becoming trapped and acting like a dam as had happened in 1952;Embankments were built by the river to increase channel capacity and reduce the likelihood of flooding; More trees were planted upstream in the source area to try and reduce initial surface runoff through interception and the soaking up of water. Tree roots also help to improve infiltration by opening up the soil and slowing down the rate at which water reaches the ground;

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Water Transportation in the Jacksonian Era Essay example -- essays pap

Water Transportation in the Jacksonian Era Water travel assisted heavily with transportation of goods and people from the American north-east to the west, which would eventually create a separation from the south. Before any canals were even built, there was a great demand for better transportation to and from the west. During this time of exploration, something was necessary in order for settlement to progress. After the canals were built, people living in to north grew exceedingly wealthy from the trading benefits of the canals. This wealth would eventually create economic differences with the southern United States(Drago 178). During the Jacksonian Era, in America, there were many changes happening, one of which was western expansion. During this time, Louis and Clark had already explored the west, but people were dying to be able to trade, and live there. With the grueling journey that would effect anyone trying to reach the west, came a new notion, of a canal that reached from Lake Erie on towards the east. This canal could transport people, as well as goods back and forth from the newly explored territory. Eventually this dream successfully became a reality. The chief builder of the Erie Canal was DeWitt Clinton, a powerful man who was to become the governor of New York. In 1816, Clinton petitioned New York legislature to let him build the canal, which was a success(Erie). The construction of the canal took about eight years, however many hardships such as floods, and malaria plagued construction. Many people also said that the canal was too short, as it originally only stretched from the Hudson to Lake Champlain. People wanted a canal that would take them all the way from Erie to Champlain. Although this created even more problems, the canal was completed successfully in 1825(Bourne 118). While all of this was going on, the ideas for another major canal were just coming together. The Chesapeake and Ohio (C&O) Canal, was just beginning near the time the Erie’s construction finished up. The C&O canal would mostly be used to transport coal to Cumberland, Maryland. The building of the canal ended on June 11, 1850, at Cumberland. Although not the economic giant that the Erie was, the C&O canal reached it’s peak in 1870, during which tolls often topped $1,000(Drago 71). After the construction of the canals was finished, there was a gre... ...d many slaves, so they thought slavery was justified. In conclusion, water travel benefited many northerners, but did not help those living in the south. Eventually, this difference resulted in the south become less economically strong, ending a long trade relationship with the north, which would soon evolve into the War Between the States, or the Civil War. Bibliography Bourne, Russell. Floating West. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1992 Bourne, Russell. Floating West. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1992. page 76. Bourne, Russell. Floating West. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1992. page 83. Drago, Harry Sinclair. Canal Days in America: The History and Romance of Old Towpaths and Waterways. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1972. Drago, Harry Sinclair. Canal Days in America: The History and Romance of Old Towpaths and Waterways. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1972. page 48. Drago, Harry Sinclair. Canal Days in America: The History and Romance of Old Towpaths and Waterways. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1972. page 166. â€Å"Erie Canal.† Electric Library. 9 Jan. Hadfield, Charles. The Canal Age. New York: Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1968.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Nutrition Workout Log Essay

Did you meet your nutritional goal? Explain why you did or why you did not meet your goal. Yes I met my goal because I only drank one can of soda for dinner in a whole day. Usually I drink about 3 a day, so I’m trying to lower my soda intake everyday. Explain why your nutritional goal is important to maintain health. My nutritional goal is important to maintain good health because the acid is high in soda. I realized that soda eats the inner layer of your stomach and also eats the enamel off your teeth. Did you encounter any challenges as you strived to meet your goal? Yes, It was hard for me to reach my goal because im used to drinking soda multiple times a day. I started drinking more water so it got my mind off of drinking soda. Did pursuing your nutritional goal enhance your physical activity in any way? Why or why not? Yes, when I drank less soda I realized that I wasn’t as tired, and also wasn’t as hungry. When I worked out I had more energy and felt better about myself. Fitness Test Comparison: (worth 20 points) Repeat the body composition fitness test from the Getting Started lesson. Compare your original body composition result (body mass index or BMI) with your current body composition result(body mass index or BMI). Write out your original score and status, along with your current score and status. Original score ___26. 2_______ Current score ___24. 7________ Did your results improve? Why or why not? Yes my results improved since the beginning. I’ve been working out more and eating healthier food to try and make myself better off in the long run. Date Warm-Up Physical Activity Intensity (Light, Medium, or High) Cool-Down Mins 10/17/12 Body stretches Running Medium- High

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Black People and Affirmative Action Essay

Please be advised that Assignment One on the printed Tutorial Letter 101/3/2013 on pages 12 – 14 has a number of both typographical and numerical mistakes. This happened as a result of a number of factors: the initial assignment reading was too costly for the Department to commission in terms of copyright and had to be retracted at the last minute. The reading on â€Å"Affirmative Action: a losing battle? † was then included but with an almost impossible deadline, which resulted in the errors reflected therein. This is regrettable and we apologise for any inconvenience this might have cost you. The corrected version of the assignment is on page 3 and is attached to this TL and again on my UNISA for your convenience. The marks are out of 100 marks – 50 for Section A and 50 marks for Section B. NB: Please note that the due date has not changed in any way (4 March 2013). 2 ENN103F/102 8. 4. 1. FIRST SEMESTER ASSIGNMENTS The purpose of this assignment is to teach you how to read an article and to critically engage in academic reading and reflecting on the material in an academic manner by answering the short paragraph questions provided as well as an essay. Assignment 01 will be marked fairly fully and sent back to you. Affirmative action: a losing battle? There are considerable reasons to suppose that this topic, which affects all citizens of South Africa, in particular, seems dated. In some instances it is a policy viewed with hostility as it is said to discriminate against sections of the population, yet in others it is seen as beneficial to women, black people and the disabled. Studies show that in many instances this form of historical redress has proven a hindrance to performance and makes the beneficiaries doubt their abilities when viewed by their superiors. This has a negative effect on an organization since the quality of work is seen as being sub-standard. Equally, there are significant indicators, both in industry and the private sector, that the opening up of previously closed avenues through the policy of affirmative action made companies perform better since the beneficiaries of such workplace selection viewed their work as a challenge. Where beneficiaries claim stigmatization by such a selection process, it means they prefer not to have been selected through such efforts. Either way, the battle seems to go on and on. In the light of this ongoing and divisive debate, the level of debate regarding the policy has not progressed further since comparative studies of the policy have not been seriously undertaken. There has been no systematic study of the developments in how the policy actually proves beneficial as a tool of redress. Part of the reason is that, firstly, there is a lack of monitoring of what goes on in organizations, and secondly, that the regulations are not strictly enforced. For instance, companies will usually ‘front’ a black person, a woman or a disabled person, as a chief executive officer and leave the matter of compliance as a secondary issue. Rarely do such companies face serious consequences even if they do business with the government. The question then is whether a time limit should be placed on the policy and Act or whether it should be declared unconstitutional. Consideration has not been taken, for instance, of measures used in other countries to actively promote privilege. Very few advocacy groups ever mention the Naturalization Act of 1790, the Homestead Act of 1862 or even the Federal Housing Administration Loan Program of the 1930s used by the government of the United States of America to promote racial preference; or that such Acts were also used as models for other racially divided societies. Advocacy groups for and against the policy and Act have routinely made it a point that the policy is unsettling, needless and discriminatory, on the one hand, while others argue forcefully that the amelioration of past injustices justifies its implementation. Whichever side is on the ascendancy cannot take the other side’s viewpoint, and in the end the past divisions are set to continue. 3 SECTION A: Short questions Answer the following questions in short paragraphs. Please note that each question will be marked out of 10 marks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Is the affirmative action policy morally defensible? Explain. In your opinion, which country has successfully implemented the policy of affirmative action and why did it succeed? In your view, why did the South African government choose to implement the Affirmative Action policy and Act, and was it ever justifiable? Does the policy need to be discontinued after a certain length of time, and why? In your opinion, why is it that people from a different racial group are unemployable in certain sectors of the economy and not in others? [10 X 5 = 50] SECTION B: Essay Write an essay of approximately one and a half page on either of the questions below. Please note that each essay will be marked out of 50 marks: 1) Do you think cultivating an equal opportunity society has helped countries such as South Africa and America to move forward? In a carefully worded essay, show why this is the case or why it is not. OR 2) To what extent do you consider such a policy and act relevant to the needs of any society today? [50 marks] Best wishes The ENN103F Team 4.