Saturday, December 28, 2019

Partnership and Microsoft - 1665 Words

1. What are some relative advantages and disadvantages of using smaller local partners vs. a large local partner? Some advantages that Microsoft might have are that in general partnerships, each participant is personally responsible for the actions of the company. This includes debts, liabilities and the wrongful acts of other partners. One advantage of a limited liability partnership is the liability protection it affords. This type of partnership structure protects individual partners from personal liability for negligent acts of other partners or employees not under their direct control, states the SBA. In addition, smaller local partners are not personally responsible for company debts or other obligations. This is advantageous for†¦show more content†¦Second, organize small teams of overlapping functional specialists. This is a blend of two leading concepts in new products management today -- have small work groups and have highly skilled functional specialists. Microsoft has large teams of small teams. At all times functional skills are at work, and team members do not lose sight of their major contribution. Yet, by having an overall plan, and overall team management, the small clusters are involved across all functions. So the firm achieves both functional skills and multifunctional operations. They talk about having distinct functional skills that are overlapped at the boundaries. This gives independence but not anarchy. Third, pioneer and orchestrate evolving mass markets. This means to be the first, or early, to enter a market, find and build mass markets, don t wait for perfect products but build a steam of incrementally better ones flowing in the direction of the market, and try to lead those markets in directions favorable to the firm. Fourth, focus creativity by evolving features and fixing resources. This means giving team’s vision statements for general guidance, freedom to implement those as their skills direct, insisting that developers keep in mind the volume of demand for the features they are building, and then restricting the total eff ort by tight restrictions on dollars and timeShow MoreRelatedThe Partnership Between Ibm And Microsoft1572 Words   |  7 Pages Introduction The partnership between IBM and Microsoft propels each other to the forefront of software design and development and create an industry standard to be followed by all. Although as both companies find themselves with conflicting visions on the design of the operating systems. Soon after Microsoft and IBM agreed to separate and produce their own operating systems. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pros And Cons Of Compulsory Voting - 1868 Words

INTRODUCTION This research essay argues that compulsory voting does not violate international law of human rights (ILHR). In arguing so, we explore the perspectives of different commentators regarding the pros and cons of compulsory voting, and interpret how the relevant ILHR documents address the issue of compulsory voting. Compulsory voting is a process in which eligible electors must cast their vote at an election with various ways which include postal voting, absent voting, voting through mobile polling team, and voting at a polling place. Although compulsory voting literally forces people to vote, it offers flexible options for people to choose how they vote. Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly by 48 votes in favour†¦show more content†¦With the public participation in elections is diminishing among developed countries, the elected governments of those countries become less representative of the entire population. The UDHR asserts that the will of the people shall be th e basis of the authority of government. If the government is elected by the minority of the population, the elected government does not truly reflect the will of the entire population within that country, and impliedly lacks the authority to rule the country. To remedy this problem, the implementation of compulsory voting dramatically and effectively raised the public participation in elections, and thus supported the legitimacy of the newly elected government to rule stably. It is possible to argue that compulsory voting ultimately leads to a more stable society because every citizen has been given an opportunity to choose their government and there will be no excuse for people to overturn their government that is reflecting the public will. This demonstrates that compulsory voting is consistent with the notion of preserving public order and safety manifested in the UDHR and the ICCPR. Moreover, Lever illustrated how the most marginal members of society are further marginalised without compulsory voting. She explained that people who do least well in ourShow MoreRelatedShould Compulsory Voting Be A Civil Right?947 Words   |  4 PagesParticipating by voting in elections is a civil right we are given as Democratic Americans. While some people are eager to go out and vote, there are others who despise the system and neglect their duties as citizens and avoid voting in elections all together. Other nations around the globe have instituted a new system of Compulsory Voting; in which citizens are required by law to vote in elections or attend a polling place on a designated day. There are many pros and cons when it comes to compulsory votingRead MoreMandatory Voting And If It Should Be Enforced851 Words   |  4 PagesAmerica’s most recent debate focuses on mandatory voting and if it should be enforced in The Unites States. Of course many people have their doubts about this subject while others have already picked a side. Compulsory voting or  "mandatory voting† is a system in which electors are obliged to vote in elections or attend a polling place on voting day. If an eligible voter does not attend a polling place, he or she may be subject to punitive measures such as fines or community service. But surely thisRead MoreLiterature Review : Compulsory Voting1605 Words   |  7 PagesLiterature Review: Compulsory Voting The American people and government pride themselves on the freedom of choice; the freedom to pursue life goals, happiness, and religion without fear. This ability was even written into the American Constitution as the First Amendment, giving the public the ability to voice opinions and express religious ideas without interference from the government. One of the liberties encompassed in the Constitution is the freedom to choose who to elect into power, givingRead MoreAmerica Is A Free Country, And Voting1686 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica is a free country, and voting is an important part of that freedom. Unlike other countries where dictators and monarchs make decisions on behalf of the people, Americans get the right to decide who runs the country and what laws should govern the citizens. But even though voting is an important privilege, most Americans don t vote. Many American citizens don t vote because they think their vote doesn t count. This is a common excuse that people believe that whether they cast a vote orRead MoreThe Rights Of The American Citizen Essay1423 Words   |  6 Pagesto legally oblige to follow the law. A good example an American citizen has the right to bear arms but also an American citizen also has the right not to own a weapon. It is really important as an American citizen that we understand the pros and cons of voting. Just because an American citizen are not legally oblige to vote and it is consider an oral obligation. We can see by not going to the poles how can we allow other chose the wrong politicians to run our country. Because it is a moral obligationRead MoreIs Voter Turnout Not A Single Citizen?3733 Words   |  15 Pageshave revealed that turnout is at a low point. According to Thomas Cavanagh, since the peek of electoral participation in post war 1960, voter-turnout has continually been on the decline (53). In other words, people just aren’t participating in the voting process as they used to. Moreover, this trend of low turnout doesn’t seem to occur only in less exposed congressional elections. Today, even in the highly publicized, closely contested, and salient presidential elections, only about 60% of the eligibleRead More1. Case Study - Women on the Right Track at Cp Rail3638 Words   |  15 Pagesglobally,, winning several international awards along the way. Fair mont became particularly interested in the initiatives because of its locations in sensitive environments such as national parks, biosphere reserves, and wetlands. The environmental pro-gram now includes eco-innovation projects at its hotels, such as turtle Conservation in Mexico, coral reef protection in Hawaii, and whale adoption in Quebec. Empowered employees are vital to the success of the programs. Employees were first encouragedRead MoreCorporation (Fisch) Outline Penn Law Essay62808 Words   |  252 PagesBut partners can be indemnified by the partnership. RUPA requires a third party to win a judgment against the partnership and exhaust partnership funds before collecting from an individual partner. ââ€" ª Each partner has equal management/voting rights, and partners share profits and losses equally †¢ Partners have an interest in the partnership, not in particular partnership assets ââ€" ª A partner cannot transfer his partnership interest in suchRead MoreMerchant Banking18039 Words   |  73 Pagesmade, shall not be withdrawn and where withdrawn, no security shall be eligible for listing upto 12 months. 3. Underwriting as to rights issue is optional and appointment of Registrar is compulsory. 4. Appointment of category I Merchant Bankers holding a certificate of registration issued by SEBI shall be compulsory. 5. Rights share shall be issued only in respect of fully paid share. 6. Letter of Offer shall contain disclosures as per SEBI requirements. 7. Issue shall be kept open for a minimum periodRead MoreContract Obligations When Going Into Business with Partners7047 Words   |  29 Pagesconsequence of been incorporated is the company in a legal entity can make contracts, can be sued and sue, and can own property. (Durack 2010) Section 2 Memorandum of Association Recommend down loading standard format when incorporating. Five compulsory clauses required in the memorandum. 1. The Name clause: set out the company limited by shares followed by the word Limited or Teoranta. The Registrar can refuse to register a name under certain circumstances e.g. already exists, name undesirable

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Developing Cross Cultural Competencies

Question: Discuss about the Developing Cross Cultural Competencies. Answer: Introduction This literature review and annotated bibliography is focused on International Human Resource Management. The annotation bibliography is based on 10 articles. The annotation bibliography is followed by literature review. In the article, authors mentioned that international human resource managers have a tough time as they have to manage the team across multiple cultures. I agree with authors that international HR managers should be visionaries that focus on organizing and implementing change. Authors did a primary research with 130 respondents. To complete the primary research, authors used random sampling methods. In the article, authors have tried to relationship between international human resource management practices and the employee behavior. The article is an interesting read where authors mentioned that to get the right mix, leaders need to ensure the team has all of the technical or functional expertise it needs to accomplish its goals. In this article, authors talked about management of cross-cultural teams in the context of international human resource management. Authors did a secondary research with more than 15 secondary resources. Authors argued that when teams work in groups that are multi-disciplined, they can bring together a wide range of knowledge, experience and problem solving skills to the table that enable projects to be tackled with multiple perspectives and thinking. The article is particularly useful for the human resource managers that may want to pursue international HRM. The article would also be useful for the multinational organizations or the organizations that have to manage the business in the multicultural environment. I can say that one the biggest strength of the article is the simple and effective language in which authors have written the article. The only weakness of the article could be the length of the article.In the article, authors discusses about the value of cross-functional teams can be invaluable in enabling agility in the organization. Authors did a primary research with 120 respondents. To complete the primary research, authors used stratified sampling methods. Authors concluded that cross-functional teams work best when: 1- They share a common vision, and are committed to achieving a common purpose. 2-They share leadership roles as well as responsibility for processes, project progress and outcomes. 3 They are both individually and mutually accountable to each other and to their collective performance. The article is very interesting, as authors talk about the team management in a global context. The organizational stakeholders can learn a lot from this article.In this article, aut hors argued that when building cross-functional team leaders should seek a balance. Complementary skills, diversity of thinking is certainly important. Many times, organizations find themselves having a strong team in one region and a weak team in one region. I would agree with the authors that the international human resource managers should ensure that a shared team structure should be followed in the global teams. The research is based on systematic sampling method with close to 200 respondents. Authors used quantitative methods to analyze the result of the survey. One of the drawbacks or the weakness of the survey or research is the possibility of biasness in the research. Overall, this article is an interesting read that provides a lot of insight about team management in international context. One of the biggest strength of the article is that authors have used number of examples to make their point.In the article, authors talk about the role of innovation and motivation in employee engagement when employees have to work in multicultural environment. Authors started the research with the initial hypothesis that international human resource managers may face certain internal and external challenges to implement the HR strategies acros s different locations. I think authors are right that leaders must find innovative ways to enhance motivation and keep employees excited about what they do on a day-to-day basis.The authors researched and concluded that initial hypothesis was indeed true. In the article, authors highlighted that virtual teams should be motivated by a clear vision of the mission and by straightforward expectations for the teamwork. Authors did a primary research and the result of the research proved that international human resource managers must learn the skills to manage virtual teams. Authors highlighted that since teams are not able to meet in person, time should be taken to have formal introductions and create an awareness of which the team consists of. An onboarding type situation was discussed by authors and the thought it is creates a connection which will make it more difficult for others to let them team down if they feel connected. It would be correct to say that this article provides a lot of insights about the role of leaders and human resource managers to manage the virtual teams that are spread across globe. In this article, authors discussed about the challenges of international human resource management and management of virtual teams. An example of a challenge related to the communication of the shared vision would be the misinterpreting of the vision based on the experience of the follower or leader. To further explain, the behavior and skills of the manager should exhibit good communication, which includes the perception of the capabilities of others. Effectively dealing with the challenge of poor communication between manager and followers requires one to establish a good relationship between members of the organization, reassure subordinates through trust and social behaviors that enrich the vision of the organization and be aware of the differences of members that compose the culture of the organizationIn Lepsinger and DeRosas article on leading effective virtual teams they suggest using the RAMP Model (relationships, accountability, motivation, and process) to improve virtual te ams (2015). Relationships build trust and without working alongside others it can be difficult to get to know them and their likes, dislikes, mannerisms, and habits. By finding ways to interact socially via virtual technology, teams can build relationships. Rather than just connect during meetings, have virtual lunch or participate in chat rooms. Accountability is enhanced when teams can see what each other are doing and how to know when it is completed. Share point sites and posted action plans with timelines can help in this area. To motivate team members schedule conference calls so people can speak with one another or have video conference calls. This is help with relationship building and accountability as well as motivation. And finally, process is how you share information. Be mindful of time zone differences, set expectations, and encourage participation through asking questions and having each team member participate (Lepsinger and DeRosa, 2015).In this article, authors discuss the impo rtance of communication in international human resource management. The key to an effective organization is communication from leadership to its staff members. I think certain visions and messages can use virtual messaging, but I also think there are some things that still need face-to-face communication and in the article, authors failed to cove these things. Indeed, this is one of the biggest weaknesses of the article. Authors used the secondary research methods to complete the research. One of the good things for the article is that authors have used the resources (articles) that were written for global context. Authors discussed the case of international human resource managers for large and multinational organizations. In the article, authors used a case study approach to conduct the research. Authors based their research on large companies like Coca-Cola, Google, Microsoft, etc. As a part of the case studies, authors discussed the international human resource management policies of these organizations. The biggest strength of the article is the structure of the article. In the article, authors used a structured approach to discuss the case of the large organizations. The weakness of the article is that all the data in the article is secondary in nature. Authors did not do any primary research. Authors should have used more references to make their point. The literature has number of studies in this area and in the article; authors have made use of these studies. Literature Review Authors Topic Major Themes Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behavior: a moderated mediation model. International HRM, Employee engagement Caligiuri, P. and Lundby, K. Developing Cross-Cultural Competencies Through Global Teams. InLeading Global Teams Cross cultural HRM, Team Management Nouri, R., Erez, M., Rockstuhl, T., Ang, S., Leshemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Calif, L. and Rafaeli, A Taking the bite out of culture: The impact of task structure and task type on overcoming impediments to crossà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ cultural team performance. Cross cultural team management, Employee performance Hoch, J.E. and Kozlowski, S.W. Leading virtual teams: Hierarchical leadership, structural supports, and shared team leadership. Virtual Team, International HRM Floren, H., Rundquist, J., Schuler, R.S., Bondarouk, T. and Rul, H. HRM and innovation: themes, contingencies and directions for future research International HRM Charlier, S.D., Stewart, G.L., Greco, L.M. and Reeves, C.J., Emergent leadership in virtual teams: A multilevel investigation of individual communication and team dispersion antecedents. International HRM, Virtual team management Klitmoller, A. and Lauring, J., When global virtual teams share knowledge: Media richness, cultural difference and language commonality. Virtual Team Lepsinger, R., DeRosa, D. How to Lead an Effective Virtual Team. Ivey Business Journal, 2-6. Leadership and International HRM Den Hartog, D.N., Boon, C., Verburg, R.M. and Croon, M.A. HRM, communication, satisfaction, and perceived performance a cross-level test. International HRM, Communication Pavlica, K. and Jarosov, E. Versatile Leadership and Organizational Culture. Leadership and International HRM, Organizational Culture One of the common themes among all the above article is the role of HR managers for global companies that operates in multicultural environment. It is important that the organizational leaders and Human Resource Managers must create accountability among different stakeholders. Accountability is enhanced when teams can see what each other are doing and how to know when it is completed. To motivate team members, international Human Resource managers should schedule conference calls so people can speak with one another or have video conference calls. It would be correct to say that High-performing virtual leaders shared that the ability to build trust and relationships, accountability, motivation, implementation of processes support virtual work and collaboration help them succeed virtual team leading (Lepsinger DeRosa, 2015). Leadership and International Human Resource Managers is essential when planning for any type of organizational initiative, innovation, or change. People need to understand their role in the big picture, so the leader is responsible for planning the logistics and integrating people into the mix. According to Lepsinger DeRosa (2015) virtual teams often face distractions and challenges that can have an emotional impact on their motivation, especially for those working from home. Feelings of isolation can arise and team members can lose focus of the importance of their individual contribution. It is important that international human resource managers must show effective leadership attributes while handling the global teams. Leadership can be used when organizing any number of things for an organization. During times of change an innovation, leaders should ensure there is a method and that the process is smooth to allow for a solid transition. People tend to be afraid of change, so having everything organized can be effective for those who have their doubts. There are many things that can be done to enhance the effectiveness of virtual teams, which are rapidly growing and being used more frequently. First creating a work group that isnt too large is important.Klitmoller Lauring points out that building trust, maintaining relationships and having direct communication of groups of ten or more becomes much more difficult. It is also extremely important to set roles and ensure everyone is fully aware of their expectations and responsibilities.To further explain, the behavior and skills of the international human resource manager should exhibit good communication, which includes the perception of the capabilities of others. With any team having the right leadership on board is crucial. Fostering trust, encouraging dialogue and maintaining relationships must be a focus of virtual teams. Creating policy and expectations from the begging will be appreciated later. Identification of such things like multi tasking, surfing the web, breaks and when/how to respond, deadlines will ease uncertainty. If people know what the expectations are from the beginning there will be less hurt feelings and wondering what is going on. References Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model.The international journal of human resource management,24(2), pp.330-351. Caligiuri, P. and Lundby, K., 2015. Developing Cross-Cultural Competencies Through Global Teams. InLeading Global Teams(pp. 123-139). Springer New York. Charlier, S.D., Stewart, G.L., Greco, L.M. and Reeves, C.J., 2016. Emergent leadership in virtual teams: A multilevel investigation of individual communication and team dispersion antecedents.The Leadership Quarterly. Den Hartog, D.N., Boon, C., Verburg, R.M. and Croon, M.A., 2013. HRM, communication, satisfaction, and perceived performance a cross-level test.Journal of Management,39(6), pp.1637-1665. Floren, H., Rundquist, J., Schuler, R.S., Bondarouk, T. and Rul, H., 2014. HRM and innovation: themes, contingencies and directions for future research.European journal of international management,8(5), pp.570-577. Hoch, J.E. and Kozlowski, S.W., 2014. Leading virtual teams: Hierarchical leadership, structural supports, and shared team leadership.Journal of applied psychology,99(3), p.390. Klitmoller, A. and Lauring, J., 2013. When global virtual teams share knowledge: Media richness, cultural difference and language commonality. Journal of World Business,48(3), pp.398-406. Lepsinger, R., DeRosa, D. (2015). How to Lead an Effective Virtual Team. Ivey Business Journal, 2-6. Nouri, R., Erez, M., Rockstuhl, T., Ang, S., Leshemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Calif, L. and Rafaeli, A., 2013. Taking the bite out of culture: The impact of task structure and task type on overcoming impediments to crossà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ cultural team performance.Journal of Organizational Behavior,34(6), pp.739-763. Pavlica, K. and Jarosov, E., 2014, November. Versatile Leadership and Organizational Culture. InEuropean Conference on Management, Leadership Governance(p. 221). Academic Conferences International Limited.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Exxon Valdez Disaster an Example of the Topic History Essays by

The Exxon Valdez Disaster Many factors have been seen and people have been blamed regarding the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989. One, the incapability of the third mate to properly maneuver the ship is said to have caused the spill (Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, n.d.). According to the reports submitted, workers during the disaster were guilty of fatigue and excessive work load (Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, n.d.). This, and the lack of training of the third mate is just one possible cause. Other issues that have been brought up and said to have contributed are Need essay sample on "The Exxon Valdez Disaster" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed the failure of the master to provide a proper navigational watch because of impairment from alcohol, two, the failure of the Exxon Shipping Company to provide sufficient crew for the Exxon Valdez, and three, the lack of an effective Vessel Traffic Service because of inadequate equipment and manning levels (Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: The Spill, n.d., par. 1). In addition, the master is said to have been drunk during the operations. Among the reasons, the center of the blame is being pointed to the deemed negligence of the master (Exxon Valdez, 2007). The main question now is: why, of the many possible factors that have contributed to the disaster is the masters one-time negligence being put on the spotlight? The master of a vessel, once he gains the title of master becomes an authority. The answer lies on the invisible reward or curse put on the head of the master immediately after his acceptance of the role as master. This invisible reward or curse is what people call authority or in this case, responsibility. If the spill did not happen and the cargo was delivered successfully, still with the masters admitted drunkenness, still with the third mates ineffective maneuvering of the vessel, still with the lack of manpower and ineffective Vessel Traffic Service, the only cause would have been the masters capability to maneuver the vessel effectively and lead his crew with such experience. Unfortunately, the circumstances led to the oil spill and all others put aside, even the ineffective Vessel Traffic Service, what would always be viewed and put on spotlight is the masters inefficient monitoring of the vessel, with his drunkenness only adding seriousness and giving more reason for the blame. The Exxon Valdez disaster is said to have happened because of the negligence of the people who were responsible for it. As implied earlier, this would not have been noticed if the vessel was able to drop of its cargo successfully. It is important to note that what circumstances that have caused the situation, particularly the masters drunkenness and his allowing a third mate to maneuver the vessel seem to have had been only a natural occurrence with respect to the vessels operations. Note, that in the transcripts of the events prior to the grounding, there was no indication of the third mates anxiety to do the masters job: The master left the bridge after explaining to the third mate that he wanted the ship to pass between the ice flow and Bligh Reef at 2352. Shortly thereafter the third mate turned off the automatic pilot in preparation to turn the vessel and took a bearing of Busby Island Light. The third mate then ordered the helmsman to apply 10 degrees right rudder and informed the master the the turn had began. Two minutes later the third mate ordered 20 degrees right rudder when he saw that the vessel was not turning. Again two minutes later he ordered hard right rudder due to the reading of the radar that the ship was still traveling at a heading of 180 degrees (Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: The Grounding, n.d., par. 7). The third mate was not asking questions and he acted as if the masters drunkenness and absence happen regularly. Such regularity of circumstances only made an impression of correctness, that is, if a situation happens all the time, there is an implied meaning that there is nothing wrong with it. If an inpidual likes to eat breakfast in the afternoon, then it is only correct and proper, and the society to which this inpidual belongs would not and will not try to notice any wrong if nothing uneventful happens. In the case of Exxon Valdez, if the master had been used to leading the vessel drunk, and allowing a crew member to take hold of the vessel without his guidance and had been successful in directing his assigned vessel to its destination prior to the disaster, then the crew members would not see anything abnormal or incorrect. And even if they did, who are crew members to point out a masters behavior when it was not doing anything harmful, then? As it was, the erroneous behavior was only noticed after the disaster. The comfort in regularity could also be applied to the Exxon Company. Although it may not be guaranteed that the disaster could not have happened if only the master was not drunk, the lack of Ethics program could have reduced the possibility that the master would have allowed himself to lead the vessel in such disposition, which, given that this specific disposition of the master is the center of blame, could be said to have prevented the disaster. Prior to the Exxon Valdez disaster, the company had not experienced any major problem regarding their employees and their cargo disposal (Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, n.d.). Their operations had gone with all their cargoes being delivered successfully with every shipping. For a company which objective is only to be able to deliver a cargo at the right time in the right quantity, it is not surprising that operational and ethical errors were overlooked if this objective is met regularly. In cases when ends were being met, the means were almost always left unnoticed, sometimes, deliberately. And since the company had always been successful, the need for an Ethics Program had never been felt. At present, that view may have already changed, only after much judicial procedures and penalties have been imposed on the company. Exxon had been held legally responsible and not the consumers (Exxon Valdez, 2007). The cargo is always the responsibility of the shipper as long as it is within its premises. The Exxon Valdez, being an asset of the company, along with its cargo should be considered its responsibilities. In this case, since the oil was in Exxon Valdez, the oil was their responsibility. The oil spill, whether it was a result of sheer negligence on the part of Exxon as it is still believed today, or a result of a mere accident, should be considered as a responsibility of the Exxon. It then follows, that cleaning up should be pioneered as well as financially supported by the company. Undoubtedly, the oil spill had resulted in heavy losses, mostly to the environment and in effect, to the people, who depend on the environment. Thus, the oil spill had resulted to losses as well as the incurring of heavy opportunity costs. It can be said that the accident, if not for the negligence of the company had taken away possible opportunities from the citizens. Placing the responsibility on the citizens through taxes and price increases is then out of the question. Increasing the taxes and the prices would be allowing the citizens to pay doubly for an accident that they never wanted nor had something to do with. Putting the burden to the citizens would similar to having a victim pay for object that that been robbed from him. In order to compensate or at least partially restore the previous lives of the victims, direct or indirect, efforts should be directed on restoring the environment and compensating for the environmental costs. As it is, the fishing community had been directly affected by the oil spill. The other citizens were affected by changes in the air and the environment (Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, n.d.).It would be inevitable that oil companies would increase their prices and the citizens could not do something about it no matter how improper it would be. After all, Microeconomics has a law of its own. The case being put on scale, now is the prioritization of the environment and increasing the prices of gasoline or, putting the desires of the citizens for low gasoline prices and risking the environment. Putting the environment as priority over the desire for low-priced gasoline would produce a better long-term effect. Restoring the environment could also restore the previous livelihood of the fishing community as well as the citizens previous lifestyles. Such restoration would be priceless. However, price increase in gasoline would still be undesirable. But maintaining the low prices of gasoline without restoring the environment would also maintain the losses incurred by the accident to the citizens. This may not be accounted for in the books but economically speaking, the effects would be the same or possibly worse. The government should then impose laws to protect the citizens either by subsidizing or putting the burden on those who are responsible for the disaster. In any case, the citizens were the victims and should not suffer. The Exxon Valdez Disaster is a case of morals since the beginning. The actions of the master and all those who were involved are results of a failure, of not just properly maneuvering the vessel but of realizing the consequences of the acts. This failure had been inculcated by the lack of recognition of the errors, lack of expectations by the company to the employees, undefined principle orientation and thus, the lack of punishment appropriated to the errors. The occurrence of the disaster had cost the citizens much but it had also paved way for the start of proper imposition of punishment, in the form of responsibility. Part of this responsibility is liberating the citizens from the costs that the disaster had burdened them. Works Cited Exxon Valdez. (2007, February 13). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 14, 2007, from Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (n.d.). In Thinkquest. Retrieved 13 February, 2007, from Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: The Grounding (n.d.). In Thinkquest. Retrieved 13 February, 2007, from Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: The Spill (n.d.). In Thinkquest. Retrieved 13 February, 2007, from

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Possible Careers For An ENFP Personality Type Essay Example

The Possible Careers For An ENFP Personality Type Paper Carl Jung, one of the most renowned psychiatrists in history and founder of analytical psychology, introduced the personality typology. According to Dr. C. George Boeree’s (2006) brief biography of Carl Jung, â€Å"Jung developed a personality typology that has become so popular that some people dont realize he did anything else. It begins with the distinction between introversion and extroversion† (n.p.). Boeree (2006) also discussed in his article the four functions that Jung believed are people’s preferences in dealing with the inner and outer world. These are sensing, thinking, intuiting, and feeling. These functions were developed later on by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers. In the book of Esther Cameron and Mike Green (2004), the authors described the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as follows: The most effective tool for identifying personality type is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This is a personality inventory developed by Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers. The MBTI is based on the work of the Swiss analytical psychologist Carl Jung. The MBTI identifies eight different personality ‘preferences’ that we all use at different time—but each individual will have a preference for one particular combination over the others (pp. 43–44). These are the 16 personality types as enumerated by Myers and Briggs: ENFP, INFP, ENFJ, INFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ, ENTP, INTP, ENTJ, INTJ, ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, and ISFP (cited in Cameron Green, 2004). Each letter stands for the eight different personality ‘preferences’ which are: E-Extraverted I-Introverted, N-iNtuitive, S-Sensing, F-Feeling, T-Thinking, P-Perceiving and J-Judging (Cameron Green, 2004). As for my Jungian self-assessment result, I turned out to have an ENFP personality type. It stands for Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving. According to Joe Butt’s (2005) functional analysis of an ENFP’s personality type, We will write a custom essay sample on The Possible Careers For An ENFP Personality Type specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Possible Careers For An ENFP Personality Type specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Possible Careers For An ENFP Personality Type specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The physical world, both geos and kosmos, is the ENFPs primary source of information. Rather than sensing things as they are, dominant intuition is sensitive to things as they might be. These extraverted intuitives are most adept with patterns and connections. Their natural inclination is toward relationships, especially among people or living things (n.p.). Butt (2005) also pointed out one colleague of his as someone with, â€Å"such tremendous interpersonal skills that she put her interviewers at ease during her own job interview. She had the ability to make strangers feel like old friends† (n.p.). This description actually earned a nod in terms of relating it to how I view myself. I like having people around me, and likewise, I also enjoy being around people. I enjoy communicating with them and building friendships. This is absolutely one of the primary reasons why I initially intend to pursue a master’s degree in business administration (MBA). I know that having the skills naturally would not be enough to be successful in something that I am comfortable in doing. To better provide a visual of my type of personality, here are some common ENFP descriptions from The Sixteen Personality Types by Linda Berens and Dario Nardi (1999): Theme is inspiration, both of themselves and others. Talents lie in grasping profound significance, revealing truths, and motivating others. Very perceptive of others’ hidden motives and purposes. Interested in everything about individuals and their stories as long as they are genuine. Contagious enthusiasm for â€Å"causes† that further good and develop latent potential and the same zeal for disclosing dishonesty and inauthencity. Frequently moved to enthusiastically communicate their â€Å"message† (p. 40). These personal findings definitely validate the reasons for my life and career decisions. I am indeed a very sociable person, and I tend to find more consolation by being focused on the outer world. This is the reason why I would like to pursue my studies so I can further my career in people-oriented type of jobs. Nevertheless, it is also possible that some of the descriptions might not match the way I see myself, or most probably, I am not aware yet that I possess them. Remembering the Johari Window, where the 2nd quadrant encloses the things that others know about me but I am unaware of, I realized that some of the descriptions on the ENFP personality can be considered as â€Å"things that I am not aware that I have.† It is also rather interesting that there are famous ENFP personalities according to Butt (2005), including â€Å"Meg Ryan (When Harry Met Sally), Robin Williams (Dead Poets Society, Mrs. Doubtfire), Sandra Bullock (Speed, While You Were Sleeping), Robert Downey (Heart and Souls), [and] Alicia Silverstone (Clueless)† (n.p.). These personalities have a common interest—acting. Acting specifically deals with entertaining people, which justifies the research conducted about ENFPs as being oriented with the outer world. As an ENFP type, it is safe to conclude that my interest would also be related to this field, which is unquestionably correct. The question is: What pushes me into pursuing an MBA? Honestly, it is because of the fulfillment that it brings me. I am technically new to the 16 personality types, so it is quite hard to pinpoint the motivation that I have for my decision which is also relative to my ENFP personality. Fortunately, I was able to come across one of the closest ENFP description to my personality. For ENFPs the dominant quality in their lives is their attention to the outer world of possibilities; they are excited by continuous involvement in anything new, whether it be new ideas, new people, or new activities. Though ENFPs thrive on what is possible and what is new, they also experience a deep concern for people as well. Thus, they are especially interested in possibilities for people. ENFPs are typically energetic, enthusiastic people who lead spontaneous and adaptable lives (Martin, 2008, n.p.). Apparently, one of the primary motivations here would be the involvement to something new. The enthusiasm of people with an ENFP personality guides them into taking new heights and turns along their life journey. New things excite and trigger their thirst for adventure. No matter where their personality leads them, whether interesting or not, they decide in accordance to their courage and hunger for quest. The 16 personality types are effective in discovering the reasons behind people’s decisions. Although it does not promise accuracy, it is with no question that knowing one’s type of personality is necessary in helping someone understand him- or herself more. nbsp; References Berens, L. V.   Nardi, D. (1999). The Sixteen Personality Types: Descriptions for Self-Discovery. California: Telos Publications. Boeree, C. G. (2006). Carl Jung. Personality Theories. Retrieved October 6, 2008 from Cameron, E. Green, M. (2004). Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools Techniques of Organizational Change. London: Kogan Page Publishers Butt, J. (2005, February 25). Extraverted intuitive feeling perceiving. TypeLogic. Retrieved October 6, 2008 Martin, C. (2008). The sixteen types at a glance. Center for Applications of Psychological Type. Retrieved October 6, 2008 from nbsp;

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Dr. Seuss Essay

Dr. Seuss Essay Dr. Seuss Essay Jasmine Velasquez American Literature 2 Lesson 14 Dr. Seuss Biography Theodor Geisel Seuss is the most creative and imaginative author that is known for children’s books. Theodor Geisel Seuss was born on March 2, 1904, in Spring Field, and passed away on September 24, 1991, in La Jolla. Theodor was rejected by 27 publishers, but didn’t stop trying until he got published because becoming a children’s author was his dream. At the time of Theodor Geisel Seuss‘s death in 1991 his 44 children’s books had sold more than 200 million copies and the last book, â€Å"Oh The Places You’ll Go â€Å", was still on the best sellers list. Surprisingly, Theodor had no children of his own, but he did have a great understanding of them. Theodor Geisel Seuss is known as â€Å"Ted† to family and friends. He adopted the name Dr. Seuss because he wanted to save his real name for a great American novel that he would write one day. Dr. Seuss was originally considered to write books that appeal to the children. Seuss’ s first book â€Å"And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street†, was rejected by 27 publishers. No one wanted to publish his first children’s book because it was full of ABC fanciful creatures including the long-necked whizzleworp and green stripped cholmondelet. A new book seemed like a good idea, so when Seuss was aboard a ship crossing the Atlantic in 1936, he kept himself entertained by putting together words that rhyme from the ships engines. Seuss did eventually get published. One night as he was walking down Madison Avenue, Seuss was about the throw away his book, but ended up running into a former classmate Mike McClintock who had just been appointed juvenile editor of vanguard press. McClintock promptly took Dr. Seuss up to his office and they signed a contract for the book â€Å"And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street†. Two hundred million of Dr. Seuss’s copies of his books were sold. The forty four books that Dr. Seuss originally wrote, only fou r are in prose. If we were to add books that were illustrated by others or written by a co-author, or published posthumously, then the total number of books would be sixty-six, with only 5 in prose. Dr. Seuss is one of the most popular poets. One of the reasons he rarely received respect is because Seuss wrote for children. When World War Two started, Seuss began to draw political cartoons for the New York newspaper called â€Å"PM†. Books like â€Å"The Cat in the Hat† and â€Å"Green Eggs and Ham† were difficult to write for him because he

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Budgeting Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Budgeting Assignment - Essay Example ndividual budget estimates, Suggesting revisions in individual budget estimates ,Approval of budget and later revisions., Receiving and analyzing budget reports, recommendations of actions needed and designed to improve efficiency where necessary. Cumulative efforts are made at all levels , at the decision making process for establishing targets and making estimates and at the implementation phase also when the budgeted target has to be achieved. Otley (1999) suggests that the budgetary control process provides an encompassing framework through which all aspects of an organization’s activity are summed up into a single set of financial statements but at the same time It acts as a valuable source of monitoring the actual outcomes with the budgeted and also helps to identify and eliminate the inefficiencies in an organization performance, for example. In some type of businesses where there is rapid change in current environment conditions because of any economic or social factors, frequent budget changes are avoided because budget revision are considered as time consuming and loss in budgetary control. It’s difficult to avoid the inevitable distorting effects arisen when managers are rewarded for achieving the budget targets. This can be reduced by giving some proper and justified incentive schemes like bonuses or overtime premium or any other reward system to the subordinates. It should be kept in mind that it is the overall collective team effort and the usually the pressure is usually taken by the middle and lower level management to meet the targeted goals. For example preparation of purchase budget can never be made without the production budget in any manufacturing concern. The purchase department must know the targeted production in order to estimate the amount and qty of raw material required for the finished goods. Similarly, the sales budget is a prerequisite of making a production budget because the production department must be aware

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The need theories of motivation are culturally based Essay

The need theories of motivation are culturally based - Essay Example David McClelland classifies the needs of motivation into three categories, which include the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, and the need for power. People are often motivated to work towards achieving organizational goals mainly because the activities satisfy important needs that they crave. The need to satisfy one’s shortcomings is the best motivating factor from within an individual that acts as a driving force in the organizational environment among employees. This principle of self-interest is often referred as what is in it for me (WIITFM) (Dubrin, 2011, p.391). However, the need theories of motivation are classified by Maslow as hierarchical. Needs are satisfied beginning from the lower basic needs towards higher needs to serve as motivating factors for employees. Once lower needs have been achieved, the need ceases to be a motivating factor and therefore higher needs must be provided to motivate the employees. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs states t hat the lowest needs are the primary needs for survival, which must first be satisfied, followed by the secondary needs such as the need for safety. The higher needs after primary and secondary needs include the need for love, sense of belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization (Milliken & Honeycutt, 2004, p.73). McClelland's Theory of Needs Acquired theories proposed by David McClelland state that individual's personal needs are gradually acquired over a period of time with respect to the cultures and life experiences with which individuals grow up with. In general, these acquired needs, according to David McClelland, are classified into the need for achievement, power, and affiliation. These theories are referred to as learned need theories that motivate and influence the efficiency and effectiveness of employees under the working environment they are subjected. The need for achievement influences people to have a strong desire to become excellent in whatever work they do and t herefore have the tendency to evade tasks that are either high risk or low risk. Individuals with the need for achievement have the perception that low-risk tasks have no genuine success due to ease with which the success can be attained. These kinds of individuals’ tasks have fifty to fifty percent chance of success and may work best if periodically given a feedback concerning the progress of their success. Efficiency and effectiveness of high achievers may also be attained if they are given the chance to work alone or to work with highly successful individuals. The need for affiliation with other people may also improve effectiveness of employees if attained. Some individuals desire to have a harmonious relationship and feel accepted among the people they work with through conformity with norms of a work group. Individuals with a high need for affiliations are able to work well under working conditions that provide adequate personal interaction. Such needs fit best in worki ng environments such as customer services and employee-to-employee interaction situations (Pynes, 2008). The need for power as a motivating factor exists in two categories: institutional and personal need. Individuals with the need for personal power have the tendency of directing others even if unnecessary, while individuals with th

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What the Popes could have done differently to avoid the reformation Term Paper

What the Popes could have done differently to avoid the reformation - Term Paper Example Europe ultimately separated into two: The Protestant in the north and the Catholic in the south (Saint-Clair, 7). The Protestant renovation was a Christian progress that took place in Europe in the 16th century. This reformation rooted out of antagonism to apparent illegal behavior and corruption inside the Roman Catholic Church. The reformation is generally alleged to have begun in 1517. Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of Castle Church in this year, which had the truth that shook the world and drastically renewed the church of Christ (Engelsma, 3). Historians argue that the Protestant Reformation ended in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia. The treaty ended the blood-spattered war of the Reformation period. In western history, the Reformation is considered as one of the most significant events. This is due to its radical switchover of thoughts and political reformation (Brady, 1). Luthers discrepancy with the principles of the Roman Catholic Church set out a series of proceedings that in a few decades shattered Germanys religious harmony. Luther is considered as the inventor of the Protestant Reformation due to the influence of his thoughts and the vast authority of his writings. Among many who were appalled by unconvinced mechanistic religious services and widespread church dishonesty, Luther speedily acquired a huge fraction of them. Many who followed him were lured by his argument that religion must be simplified into a secure connection of human beings with God, devoid of the broad intercession of the Roman Catholic Church and its accumulation of custom (Snell, 3). Luther did not aim to establish the Reformation when he posted his 95 Theses on the door of the church. He had no plan whatsoever of disjointing from the church whose head was the Pope and whose head office was Rome. His intention with the Theses was the modification of certain behaviors and the teachings that fashioned

Friday, November 15, 2019

Resource Sharing Platform for Collaborative Cloud Computing

Resource Sharing Platform for Collaborative Cloud Computing Harmonious resource sharing platform for collaborative cloud computing System Design SYSTEM DESIGN The system design is the architecture definition process, components, modules, interfaces and data to a system to meet the specified requirements. The system design could be considered the application of systems theory to product development . 4.1 Functional Design Utilitarian outline is utilized to streamline the configuration of equipment gadgets and programming useful configuration guarantees that every particular component of a gadget has an obligation and do this obligation with insignificant reactions somewhere else. The maps of useful configuration forms that make the state of necessity for how to outline details . Amid this phase of the undertaking structure characterized from an utilitarian perspective. 4.1.1 Modular Design The particular, or seclusion in configuration is a methodology that the framework is separated into littler parts (modules or cushions ) that can be autonomously made and afterward utilized as a part of distinctive frameworks for various highlights. A secluded framework can be described by the accompanying highlights: functional separation scalable and reusable individual modules consisting of solo, self contained functional elements. rigorous use well-defined modular interfaces, including object -oriented description of the functionality of the module. Easy to change to achieve transparency and technology to the extent possible, use industry standards for key interfaces 4.2 High Level Design 4.2.1 Data Flow Diagram An information stream chart (DFD) is a graphical representation of the information stream by method for a data framework. DFD can be additionally utilized for the information handling showcase (organized outline). In a DFD, information stream components from an outer information source or an inside information store to store interior or outside information sink information, through an inner procedure. A DFD does not give data on synchronization or administration procedure, or the procedure will work in grouping or in parallel. Subsequently, it is altogether different from a stream outline demonstrating the stream of control through a calculation that permits the peruser to figure out what operations will be attempted, in what request and under what circumstances, however this sort of information will be inputs and yields of the framework, or when the information go back and forth, or where the information is recorded (which are all shown in a DFD). DATA FLOW DIAGRAM Level 0 Figure 4.1: DFD level 0 Figure 4.1 DFD level 0 explains that the data owner has to register before login and using the help of cloud details he can choose the highly reputed cloud service provider. The data owner after registering has to login with his account and select total memory and threshold memory. Select a file from the data store of the data owner and upload it to the cloud server. There are four different cloud providers to which files are uploaded. The files are uploaded via trust manager in which he can check for blocked users and unblocked user and receive to and from data with cloud servers and data owner. Figure 4.2: DFD level 1 Figure 4.2 DFD level 1 consists of four major nodes. End user request for a file . The request enters to cloud server through trust manager. An attacker tries to modify the file which is present in cloud service provider. 4.2.2 Use-Case Diagram A case in programming building and the utilization of frameworks designing is a depiction of the conduct of a framework as it reacts to an appeal from outside of this framework. As it were, an utilization case portrays who can do what the framework being referred to. The system of utilization cases is utilized to catch the execution prerequisites of a framework itemizing the situation managed by useful necessities dialogs. Utilization cases depict the collaboration between one or more on-screen characters (a performing artist who is the initiator of the communication can be assigned as the main on-screen character [29]) and the framework itself, spoke to as a succession of basic steps. The On-screen characters are something or somebody existing outside the framework (black box) in the study, and included in a progression of exercises in a dialog with the framework to accomplish an objective. The performing artists may be end clients, different frameworks or gadgets equipment. Every utilization case is a progression of occasions, depicted from the viewpoint of the law. Figure 4.3: Use case diagram of client Figure 4.4 The above use case diagram shows different properties of service provider, trust manager, Data owner and End user. Data Owner uploads file in the cloud server through trust manager and performs various actions. End user requests the file through trust manager. Attacker tries to modify the file which is present in cloud server. 4.3 Low-level Design 4.3.1 System Flowchart Aflowchartis a type of diagram that represents analgorithm orprocess, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with arrows. This diagrammaticrepresentation [30] can give a step-by-step solution to a givenproblem. Process operations are represented in these boxes, and arrows connecting them represent flow of control. FLOW CHART Figure 4.4: Flow chart Figure 4.6 Data owner checks the Reputation of the cloud and chooses the cloud according to that. At first he registers and later logins with his credentials. Buys memory and assigns threshold value to it. If the memory exceeds the threshold value it will intimate the Data Owner. Data owner uploads the file to cloud server through trust manager. files are stored in encripted format. Trust manager always check for MAC and secret key. If the MAC value changes ,it understands that files have been changed it intimates to the data owner. 4.3.2. Sequence Diagram A grouping outline in Brought together Displaying Dialect (UML) is a sort of association chart that shows how procedures work with each other and in what request. It is a develop of a Message Grouping Outline [31]. Grouping graphs are now and then called Occasion follow outlines, occasion situations, and timing charts. A succession graph is a correspondence chart that shows how procedures work with each other and in what request. It is a fabricate of a Message Grouping Diagram. A succession chart shows object associations orchestrated in time arrangement. It portrays the articles and classes included in the circumstances and the grouping of messages traded between the items alluring to do the usefulness of the situation. It demonstrates the relationship of articles taking into account a period succession and it indicates how the article connect with other question in a specific situation of the utilization case furthermore it demonstrates the grouping of back rubs that are traded, alongside their relating event details on the life lines. Grouping graphs are traditionally connected with utilization case acknowledge in the Sensible Perspective of the framework under change. Arrangement charts are once in a while called occasion graphs, occasion situations. A succession chart shows, as parallel vertical lines (life savers), distinctive procedures or items that live simultaneously, and, as level bolts, the messages traded between them, in the request in which they happen. This permits the determination of simple runtime situations in a graphical way. An arrangement chart shows, as parallel vertical lines (helps), diverse procedures or items that live at the same time, and, as even bolts, the messages traded between them, in the request in which they happen. This permits the particular of basic runtime situations in a graphical way [32]. SEQUENCE DIAGRAM Figure 4.5: Sequence diagram Figure 4.5 sequence diagram of the project explains how the data owner requests, accept and assigns the memory. It also tells how the end user requests the cloud server through trust manager. Trust manager maintains the list of blocked and unblocked user. 4.3.3 Class Diagram Class diagrams outlines demonstrate the classes of the framework, their between connections, and the operations and characteristics of the classes. It investigates space ideas as an area model [33] and dissects necessities as a calculated/investigation model. It portrays the definite configuration of article situated or item based programming. The class outline is the key building piece of article arranged demonstrating. It is utilized both for widespread theoretical demonstrating of the intelligent of the application, and for nitty gritty displaying make an interpretation of the models into programming code. Class graphs can likewise be utilized for information demonstrating. The classes in a class chart speak to both the fundamental articles, interchanges in the application and the classes to be modified. paintp Figure 4.6: Class diagram Figure 4.6 Class diagram of the collaboration architecture gives the details of the data owner, trust manager, end user, attacker, admin and cloud server. Data owner sees the reputation in which he can choose the best cloud which are suitable for him to upload files. The server which is having lowest reputation will be chosen Later Data owner registers with the cloud server giving all his detail and logins with his credentials .Data owner chooses the vm and assigns threshold value to it . If the file size is greater than the threshold value it will intimate the data owner to buy vm from another cloud provider. Trust manager is the intermediate between cloud server, data owner and End user. All the request which data owner make and end user make are through trust manager. It is the collaborative element of all the service provider. When data owner uploads the file to server it will be encrypted format. Trust manager maintains the MAC value and secret key of every file. End user in public cloud is not bothered about security. Here in this project automated password is generated by trustmanager.Secret key is entered by the end-user so that integrity of the data is maintained.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Capital Punishment and Minors, Women, Retarded, and the Innocent :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

This essay takes the exceptions to the rule, the classes of people who are not ordinarily sentenced to death, and expsoses how they are impacted by the death penalty. Child offenders are people convicted of committing crimes when they were under the age of 18. International human rights treaties prohibit anyone under 18 years of age at the time of the crime being sentenced to death. The ICCPR, the ACHR and the CRC all have provisions to this effect. One hundred and fifteen countries whose laws still provide for the death penalty either have provisions in their laws which exclude the death penalty against child offenders, or may be presumed to exclude such use by virtue of becoming parties to the above treaties without entering a reservation to the relevant article of those treaties. The UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, at its annual meeting in August in Geneva, passed a resolution condemning the imposition and execution of the death penalty on those aged under 18 at the time of the commission of the offence. At the Asia Pacific Forum of Human Rights Institutions, meeting in Rotorua, New Zealand in August, the Advisory Council of Jurists, which is one of the bodies reporting to the above Forum, considered the death penalty, one of two issues referred to it by the Forum. In its final report issued in December the Council said that it ''......accepts as a minimum the restrictions placed on the categories of persons that can be executed as set out int the ICCPR namely persons who commit an offence while below eighteen years of age........ .....The Council emphasizes that the persons who commit offences when below the age of 18 are not to be executed under the terms of the ICCPR and Convention on the rights of the Child.'' Representatives on the Advisory Council of Jurists came from Australia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Nepal had not at that time nominated its representative to the Council. Pakistan: The government of Pakistan on 1 July 2000 issued the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000 which prohibits the death penalty for anyone aged below 18 at the time of the alleged offence. This comes exactly 10 years after Pakistan ratified the UNCRC which makes it obligatory for states parties to ban the death penalty for juvenile offenders in domestic legislation. Capital Punishment and Minors, Women, Retarded, and the Innocent :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays This essay takes the exceptions to the rule, the classes of people who are not ordinarily sentenced to death, and expsoses how they are impacted by the death penalty. Child offenders are people convicted of committing crimes when they were under the age of 18. International human rights treaties prohibit anyone under 18 years of age at the time of the crime being sentenced to death. The ICCPR, the ACHR and the CRC all have provisions to this effect. One hundred and fifteen countries whose laws still provide for the death penalty either have provisions in their laws which exclude the death penalty against child offenders, or may be presumed to exclude such use by virtue of becoming parties to the above treaties without entering a reservation to the relevant article of those treaties. The UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, at its annual meeting in August in Geneva, passed a resolution condemning the imposition and execution of the death penalty on those aged under 18 at the time of the commission of the offence. At the Asia Pacific Forum of Human Rights Institutions, meeting in Rotorua, New Zealand in August, the Advisory Council of Jurists, which is one of the bodies reporting to the above Forum, considered the death penalty, one of two issues referred to it by the Forum. In its final report issued in December the Council said that it ''......accepts as a minimum the restrictions placed on the categories of persons that can be executed as set out int the ICCPR namely persons who commit an offence while below eighteen years of age........ .....The Council emphasizes that the persons who commit offences when below the age of 18 are not to be executed under the terms of the ICCPR and Convention on the rights of the Child.'' Representatives on the Advisory Council of Jurists came from Australia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Nepal had not at that time nominated its representative to the Council. Pakistan: The government of Pakistan on 1 July 2000 issued the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000 which prohibits the death penalty for anyone aged below 18 at the time of the alleged offence. This comes exactly 10 years after Pakistan ratified the UNCRC which makes it obligatory for states parties to ban the death penalty for juvenile offenders in domestic legislation.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Principles of Health Care Practice Code of Conduct Essay

1.1 Introduction I am writing this report as a requirement for my HNC Health Care course which will be submitted to Christine Hughes. In this report I will be comparing and contrasting two health care professions, the two health care professions I have chosen to compare is nursing and social work. The report will be highlighting the principles of healthcare, such as Education and Registration, (still to finish) 1.2 Nursing Education & Registration To train to be a qualified nurse you undertake either a pre-registration diploma or degree at university this is normally a three year programme. Degrees and diploma programmes comprise of 50% theory and 50% practice, with time split between the higher education institute. Nursing is organised into four branches – Adult, Children, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities. During the first year of nurse training you are introduced to all of the key areas as part of the Common Foundation Programme. In the second and third year you focus on a specific branch, which runs the course. Registered nurses and midwives are responsible for assessing the needs of individuals, planning and implementing their care, and evaluating the effectiveness. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is the statutory regulatory body for nursing, midwifery and health visiting in the United Kingdom. All nurses working in the UK, including those trained abroad, need to be registered with the NMC in order to practice as a nurse in the UK, of that care. All qualified nurses, midwives and health visitors are required to be members of the NMC in order to practice. If nurses, midwives or health visitors are found guilty of misconduct, the NMC has the authority to strike them off the register., www.nursingnetuk 1.3 Social Work Education & Registration Social work requires a professional qualification, currently a three year undergraduate honours degree or a two year Masters degree in social work that has been approved by the General Social Care Council (GSCC)). The course involves a combination of course work and a minimum of 200 days spent in practice settings providing the opportunity for lots of practical experience before you actually qualify. The social work qualification is suitable for social workers in all settings and sectors. As a student and once qualified you will need to register with the General Social Care Council (GSCC) which is responsible for regulating the workforce. Previous qualifications in social work including the diploma will continue to be recognised as valid social work qualifications. There are a variety of ways to enter the social work profession, according to age and previous experience., 2.1 The Nursing & Midwifery Council The NMC is the regulatory body for nursing and midwifery; there purpose is to improve the standards of nursing and midwifery care in order to protect the public through professional standards. NMC register all nurses and midwives to ensure that they are properly qualified and competent to work in the UK. They set the standard of education; training and conduct that nurses and midwives will deliver high quality healthcare consistently throughout their careers. NMC also makes sure that nurses and midwives keep all their skills and knowledge up to date and to uphold the standards of their professional code. They also investigate allegations made against nurses and midwives who may not have followed the code. Every registered nurse, midwife or health visitor must renew their registration every three years. Post-registration education and practice (Prep) is set by the NMC which is designed to help nurses and midwifes provide a high standard of practice and care. There are legal requirements set which must be met in order for there registration to be renewed. 2.2 General Social Care Council The General Social Care Council (GSCC) sets standards of conduct for social care employers and workers, this regulates the social care workforce including regulating social work their training and education. The GSCC is responsible for codes of practice for employers and employees in the care sector. Social Care Register is a register of qualified social workers, the registration will ensure that those working in social care meet rigorous registration requirements and will hold them to account for their conduct by codes of practice. Registered social workers are also required to complete post-registration training and learning activities before renewing their registration every three years. Post-registration training and learning requirements that all registered social workers must meet are every social worker registered with the GSCC shall, within the period of registration, complete either 90 hours or 15 days of study, training, courses, seminars, reading, teaching or other activities which could reasonably be expected to advance the social worker’s professional development. To keep a record of post-registration training and learning undertaken, and failure to meet these conditions may be considered misconduct. Continuing Professional Development in Nursing All registered nurses and midwives are required to take part in continuing professional development (CPD) in order to maintain their professional registration. This is part of the post-registration education and practice (PREP) requirements, set by the Nursing and Midwifery Council NMC. There are two types of PREP, 1. Practice standards and Continuing professional development standards. CPD is fundamental to the development of all health care practitioners, as it is important that nurses keep there knowledge and skills up-to date, to improve standards in the practice and to gain more qualifications. To meet the CPD standards nurses must undertake at least 35 hours of learning activity relevant to their practice every three years, to maintain a personal professional profile of their learning activity and to comply with any requests to audit how they have met these requirements. Nurses and midwives who do not comply with the Prep requirements will cause their registration to lapse and can no longer work as a registered nurse or midwife. These requirements must be met every three years, and are declared at the point that registration is renewed. 3.1 Clinical Governance Clinical governance is the framework through which the NHS is accountable for the continuing improvement of quality of professional standards whilst still safeguarding high standards of care, thereby creating an environment which aims for clinical excellence. It is to ensure that high quality and professional standards are being maintained, and that health professionals are competent to deliver care safely with the right training and skills. This protects the patients from risks and mistakes allowing them to have confidence and faith in their care providers. Clinical governance also ensures that practitioners are accountable for the quality of patient care they provide meaning that they are more likely to question their practice and seek to make it of more benefit to the patient’s health. If it is found that those standards are not being met or they have got complaints from individuals about there delivery of care, there will be someone answerable for the failures to maintain standards. Nurses are responsible for their own competence and if they carry out treatments or procedures then they will be deeming themselves to do so.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Motivations For Terrorism Example

Motivations For Terrorism Example Motivations For Terrorism – Term Paper Example In the last few decades, terror attacks have increased tremendously in both developed and developing economies. Currently, terrorism is a matter of global concern and understanding the motives that drive people to commit the offense is of critical importance in order to prevent destruction and carnage associated with the attacks. Terrorists and terror organizations are driven by ideological convictions and various motivations to execute an attack. Reich (1998) classified motivations into four categories, namely revolutionary, nationalistic, ethnocentric and separatists. Ethnocentric motivations are based on race superiority, where group members endorse and propagate the attitude that a particular group is superior because of its race or tribal orientation. Groups motivated by separatist ideals seek to secede from the existing socio of such attack is September 11 that targeted World Trade Centre and the Pentagon in the United States. Most terror groups are driven by multiple motives. Currently, several terror groups are driven by multiple ideologies, mainly religion with separatist and nationalistic motives (Dirk, 2005). Examples include Kashmir separatists group, which is motivated by religion and desire to separate from India. ReferencesDirk, H. (2005). Differing motivations for terrorism. Defense and Peace Economics, 16(1), 19-27. Hoffman, B. (1998). Inside terrorism. New York: Columbia University Press. Reich, W. (1998). Origins of terrorism: Psychologies, ideologies theologies states of mind. Washington: Woodrow Wilson Center Press.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Landmarks in social welfare provision Essay Example

Landmarks in social welfare provision Essay Example Landmarks in social welfare provision Essay Landmarks in social welfare provision Essay Essay Topic: The Birth Mark SOCIAL POLICY Introduction Social Policy is a term which refers to some kinds of regulations, statute law, rules and operations that get into the life position helpful to human public assistance. It is the survey of societal issues that has a important relationship for human well-being. And the systems should be promoted for the well-being of human being. The Department of Social Policy at the London School of Economics defines societal policy as an interdisciplinary and applied topic concerned with the analysis of societies responses to societal demand. It involves in recognizing the theories and some rules of societal subjects. The societal policy covers psychological science, geographics, jurisprudence, sociology, environment, political relations, economic sciences etc. It affects our mundane life that we can populate by. Basically societal policy is concerned with critical demands as in instruction, health care, H2O, nutrient, shelter that can do a life worth to populate. The publicity of intervention of ill, giving support to physically disable individual is the portion of societal policy. In short, societal policy is the survey of human well-being and intends to extinguish those jobs which are obstructions for human well-being. Undertaking 1 Explore the historical and modern-day landmarks in societal public assistance proviso In the clip of 1901 to 1945 there was some of import landmarks for societal public assistance in united land. The authorities of united land introduced some public assistance plans to guarantee human well-being and to increase the living criterion. The important landmarks of societal public assistance are- 1901Seebohm Rowntree’s foremost survey of poorness in York, Poverty: a survey of town life. 1908Old Age Pensions Act: means-tested pensions from age 70. 1911National Insurance Act: illness insurance and limited commissariats for unemployment 1920 Unemployment Insurance Act: non-manual workers included. 1940Old Age and Widows’ Pensions Act: pension age for adult females reduced from 65 to 60. 1945Family Allowances Act: ?0.25 a hebdomad for each kid after the first. 1948National Assistance Act: Poor Law abolished. 1959National Insurance Act: calibrated pensions introduced. 1966Supplementary Benefit replaces National Assistance. 1971National insurance invalidness benefit introduced. 1975Social Security Pensions Act: province earnings-related pensions ( SERPS ) . Earnings-related national insurance parts introduced at 5.75 % . 1976One-parent benefit introduced 1977-79 Tax-exempt kid benefit phased in, replacing nonexempt household allowance and child revenue enhancement allowances. 1986Social Security Act: three major Bills in one. 1988Tax cuts and benefit cuts Top rate of income revenue enhancement down from 60 % to 40 % . Standard rate of income revenue enhancement down from 27 % to 25 % . 1994 Budget introduces ‘welfare to work’ steps to ease passage into paid work and promote full-time work. Assorted steps piloted Introduction of kid attention allowance for certain parents claiming household recognition and related benefits. 1996 Jobseeker’s allowance replaces unemployment benefit and income support for the unemployed. Contributory benefit is paid for 6 months alternatively of 12 and the degree is reduced for 18-24 twelvemonth olds ; jobseeker’s understanding is introduced. 2001Children’s Tax Credit introduced – a revenue enhancement allowance for those with kids. 2006The Government’s White Paper Security in Retirement proposes an increasing retirement age, personal nest eggs histories, and a basic province pension uprated in line with net incomes from 2012. 2008Welfare Reform Act 2007 comes into force. Equally good as doing minor alterations to profit statute law, it introduces a Local Housing Allowance to simplify Housing Benefit for in private rented renters. Analysis the quality of life for the service users have improved over clip The authorities has recognized the positive part of service users in societal attention planning and development of society. Service users are taking active and effectual portion in societal attention and wellness attention services. The societal theoretical account of disablement was made cardinal for service users by the authorities. It became the demand of independent life. Service users are interested in what work can assist them to carry through their intents and better their life. Examination of the past and current societal policies related to the wellness and public assistance demands of the population of United Kingdom during the period of political alterations and passage during and after the World War 2. The authorities took back the authorization of the local authorities board and national wellness insurance committee in 1919 under the accoucheuses act. There was some issues that roses by some groups interested in wellness and societal public assistance which affected their life as in Unemployment Poverty Health insurance Mental wellness Maternal and infant mortality Nowadays the authorities has taken some major public assistance plans for human well-being. Some of them are as Social Insurance Programs- It is concerned with the anterior net incomes and paysheet part which is based on pecuniary demand of a human being. Unemployment insurance- It provides fiscal support to an person when they are unemployed. Workers’s compensation- this is the 3rdof import plan. It says workers should be compensated if they are affected by fatal hurt from work or for other relevant standards. They besides should acquire medical aid. Explanation of the alterations in ideological attack since 1945 have impacted on modern-day societal policies After 1945 there had been a extremist alterations in assorted facets as in adult females rights. The authorities gave adult females the equality in the society. Children were being abused before 1945. The authorities had passed a jurisprudence that prevents it. Nowadays these kind of Torahs are practiced across the universe. Designation and application schemes to happen appropriate solutions Very specific regulations should be developed to happen a more accurate solution Heavy brainstorming to recognize the nucleus jobs Develop a long term program to increase societal consciousness Contemplation of work and justification of decisions Prior to the 1945 societal policy rules and patterns in the society was obscure. After 1945 societal policy was acquiring into form which is contributing for human public assistance. The society is acquiring the good impact of societal policy by recognizing and back up those policies. Undertaking 2 Key wellness and societal policy legalisation and short treatment about how the political leaders managed the station war societal public assistance policies Parliament is the lone house in where jurisprudence can be passed by the parliament members. This procedure starts with a measure of act base on balls through in the parliament. This act can originate from the parliament member or civil society or any other beginnings. If the authorities agree these proposal so it will set before the parliament. It will come up in the treatment on the footing of importance and formal regulations this should undergo with audience procedure. If the maximal parliament member supports the act, they will give their consent. And they set a class of action about wellness policies. After this the act can merely come in the whole system and the people should obey this act. There are some factors that affects wellness including biological factor, populating criterion and nutrition factor. Very important factors impacting United kingdom’s people wellness are smoking, association for intoxicant, bad diets and deficiency of exercising. If people are willing to alter their attitudes toward wellness so it is really easy to extinguish those factors to harm people. The modern-day political relations is a influential factors that can act upon the policy shapers to develop policy for their ain involvement. After the 2nd universe war the authorities of United Kingdom had introduced a station war consensus which covered the mix economic system, Bolshevism, unemployment, foreign personal businesss etc. after 11945 the authorities had launched some lodging policies to rehabilitate people. They opened a window to construct up educational centres, lodging undertakings, medical centre etc. the chief aims of lodging policies is that construct a friendly vicinity. The authorities intentionally extinguish the restrictions and reconstruct a free economic system to stabilise the state. B. Measure the impact of these policies and results Basically wellness attention and societal attention is the fact which is related to ‘care services’ . But it should be segregated from political relations and the current authorities. The UK authorities is profoundly focused on the separation of societal and wellness attention. If these two organic structures separated so it causes a major job in the society. It affects the society severely. It increases the medical intervention charge and other societal installations. The UK authorities intends to bind these Ts: two entities together. The authorities ensures that service users benefited by holding: Schemes for wellness publicity Health and safety Manual handling Data protection Food handling Care pattern Mental wellness Children Disability Design and use appropriate methods To do a successful design of societal policy some elements are to be considered. They are depicted below- Finding out factors that can impact the policy Analyze the environment in where the policy will follow Choose appropriate people doing policy To use policies the authorities should develop a proper system so that the policy can convey the proper result. There would be some drawbacks in the system. If the policy shaper take those drawbacks under consideration so it is expected to bring a better result. Duty for pull offing and forming activities Basically policy makes for the improvement of people. Each and every policy is a undertaking. It includes a immense undertaking to be done to convey outcomes. At first the responsible authorization should do a proper policy that can cut down obstructions from society. The authorization should take the duty to pull off the undertaking. To implement policy the authorization must form activities to follow the policy. Undertaking 3 Analysis the modern-day policy developments in Health and Social Care in the UK By and large, The UK government’s societal and wellness attention section works to plan a policy that delivers a societal attention system which enhances their self-respect and position, for all categories of people. The Government attempt to supply this installation in a broad scope as possible they can. They wanted to supply medical aid in wide scope for each people. Public wellness spheres and complementary wellness scenes are the current enterprises taken by the authorities. Besides those there are few policy that act every bit initiatives as wellness attention such as gender, cultural issues, disablement etc. for keeping that sort of policies, they has imposed some kind of ordinances. They were besides advancing their enterprises through local telecasting webs. They have besides taken enterprises in educational sector and nutrition sector. They did some educational runs and supply good diet charts for all. In those enterprises there is a opportunity to be linked up with a multi-agency partnership which creates 1000s and assorted sorts of occupation chance that can assist extinguish unemployment job. Evaluation the impact of the current policy enterprises on wellness and societal attention service users The United Kingdom’s authorities possesses a really impressive methods to guarantee that the policies, events and plans are practiced and delivered in broad scope in an efficient and effectual mode to peoples. The UK authorities committed to do grounds based policy. It is enrolled to UK authorities to possess a high quality policy rating. This procedure requires policy shapers and those individuals who will implement these policy to utilize the best available resources and grounds. Which is available in national statistics, national achieve, regulating agents etc. the authorities took over some scheme that includes public disbursement and revenue enhancement in the policy rating procedure. How can these policies to better quality of life of service users? The United Kingdom’s authorities tried to heighten the quality of life of their service users. For this purposes they took over assorted public assistance policy for their service users. Though it is a really hard undertaking to bind together these two entities, the authorities still making the occupation really expeditiously. If these entities breaks loose so many systems will be broken down. If those entities separated so those entities will be segregated and operated independently. Ex- infirmary discharge charge will be riser than old yearss if those two entities will segregate. This kind of policy can better the policy user’s life by take parting interested groups which works for their improvement. And these work as their representative in wellness attention system. They can besides take part in public hearing procedure and publically appointed councils as a member. Undertaking 4 Evaluate recent developments in Health and Social policy The authorities of United Kingdom supply a good finance to wellness and societal attention section to develop rules and guidelines to guarantee the societal public assistance for human well-being. The most recent and of import – Public wellness The authorities took some tough action against smoking. They banned smoking in public topographic points, banned tobacco advertisement in some topographic points. Under 18 elderly people could non purchase coffin nail from stationary store. They imposed baccy company to attach graphical warning about bad effects of coffin nails in coffin nail packages. By taking those actions England had the control over baccy. The bosom onslaught rate had fallen to 211 % . At last the public wellness position is in a good status due to this policy devising. Children and households The authorities launched every kid affairs project for the improvement of every kids. This undertaking introduced a new attacks for the well-being of kid, start at the clip of taking birth. Child protection After the decease of Victoria climbie the societal worker started to work on protection of child issue. They wanted a great communicating system between constabulary, instruction and children’s services. There was a positive result of their work. Social attention Social attention was so much neglected by labour authorities. Finally, the societal came into their ain way in 2005. In that clip the antediluvian system split up and the kids service section was created. They took some advanced policies that brought advantages to people. That was the twelvemonth at that place was a turning concerned issue about older people. Several politicians was profoundly concerned about older people when they were retired from occupation. Politicians brought the issue into lamplight. Then they took over some enterprises for the improvement of older people. Condemnable justness In the last decennary the universe sees the extremist alteration in the condemnable justness sector. The figure of prison officers is being increased by authorities for supplying a good care to the felon. The prison and probation installations is besides been increased. In 2000 there was around 24000 prison officers look after 65000 captives. And now there is around 29000 prison officers for looking after 85000 captives. There is crisp addition of condemnable offense, brought them to the justness. So there is monolithic additions in fixed P [ punishment mulcts. Analysis the differences in formation and acceptance of societal policy enterprises from other positions The societal and wellness attention policy has emerged in 20Thursdaycentury in United land. To do a great state the authorities provides assorted public assistance benefits to the citizen as in educational installation, communicational installations, wellness services etc. Health attention services has controlled by the private sector in USA. The authorities has launched some occupational insurance policy to command the wellness attention services. The USA authorities does non take part in those undertakings. In Japan, they are besides every bit like as USA. They besides gave these undertakings to the private sector. The private sectors operates wellness attention services and develop policies for the improvement of their citizens. There are many states like western Europe, the wellness attention system is operated by both private sector and province. The province makes policy and private bureaus comply those policies. It is a good scheme to hold control over the whole wellness attention system. In Waless, the wellness attention system is patient centre focused. The authorities is apt to reply to all citizens in this system. There is some communities responsible for doing rules, regulations and policies. In Scotland they follow a different system. There is a contract between authorities and single citizens. In England the policy ensures the betterment of wellness attention services rater t5han the policy. The system is maintained by a contract between the authorities, services and the clients. Why national Health and Social policies need altering over clip to react to the emerging social-political and economic tendencies The policy can’t be framed by some regulations or rules. It is ever a affair of alteration. The universe is altering twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours bit by bit. So the old system can’t work in the new changed universe. New policies should be developed to accommodate with the new universe. Otherwise the system will fall in down. Every twenty-four hours there are some new jobs comes into the lamplight that should be dealt with. Harmonizing to Margaret Thatcher ‘We offered a complete alteration in direction’ . Changes should be done in a way that brings the benefit to the service users and to the statute law for the accomplishing their ends. we see that there is rapid growing of population, technological revolution is taken topographic point. In this state of affairs the old policy arises a at odds issue with these. Although any policy that involves with important alterations related with major cost that will necessitate political support accomplishment s but that should be done one twenty-four hours to get by with the altering universe. Decisions Since 1945 the authorities has recognized the value of societal public assistance and policy. The people of the nation’s understood the importance of the societal public assistance for increasing their criterion of life, self-respect and opportunity of populating independently. The UK authorities made some important landmarks in assorted sector after the Second World War. They increase the adult females rights. The political leaders lead the state in the economic adversity after Second World War. They made some important act to better the parliament act. They introduced some act such as wellness act and societal attention act. In that clip the authorities was profoundly concerned about those two entities as in wellness attention and societal attention. They are intended to bind them with each other. The UK authorities ever tried to distribute out the public assistance undertaking to every citizen of the state. Besides the medical aid they besides did some educational run and t ook some societal consciousness undertaking. In the blast decennary we saw some betterment in wellness attention and societal sector. There is been alteration in public wellness, condemnable justness, protection of kid, immature and old people issues. In every state there are some kind of societal policy are possessed. Many states are in contract between citizens. Many states transferred this occupation from public to private sector. In the border of globalisation everything is altering quickly. In the age of technological revolution the policy can non be fixed in old mode. The policy should be changed with the altering universe to make better for people.